Kalydin Character in Laan | World Anvil
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Kalydin (Cal-uh-din)

Personal History

Kalydin has always had his guardian angel, Seraph, at his side. This angel acts as a confidant, mentor and close friend. This relationship often leads Seraph to lead Kalydin through training of the mind and souls, by taking time in the morning to reflect on the day ahead while also encouraging Kalydin to be a better man.  

The Calling Forth of Sin

During Session 4, Seraph instructed Kalydin to call forth the sins of a corrupt guard captain in Wrain's Hall. Doing so produced a terrifying visage and beast made from sickly brown smoke.  

The Departure

During Session 6, The party came across a cliffside chapel and homestead, occupied by a blind priest and his mute companion. These two strangers claimed to be 'godless' and, while respecting divinity, denied the teachings and anathema of The Twenty-Two. Kalydin found himself agreeing with their ideology and elected to stay with them to grow stronger and to better understand his connection to Seraph.  


During Session 11, while in the presence of Obi and his companion, Arthur; Kalydin was to take part in a ritual. However, when attempting to initiate the ritual, the magic could not take hold. After a brief assessment from Obi, he declared that Kalydin had repressed memories, memories that he would have to unlock before their ritual could continue. As Kalydin was sent into his psyche to search for the source of the repression, he came across a barred door wrapped in chains. When he attempted to remove the chains, his own psyche shifted and dragged him away. When he awoke from the ritual, he was no longer with Obi and Arthur, but instead on the outskirts of Fatoris. While his companions weren't too far away, the event had shaken him.  


During Session 18 Kalydin, accompanied by Sam Calas, sought out father Elthwain; the prior of the Ellbridge chapter of the Mitlind Priory. While in a private audience, Elthwain offered some guidance to Kalydin on how he might be able to unlock his memories, as such attempts to seal them away likely meant that someone, or something, had intervened to seal them.  

Dinner for Two

During Session 21, Kalydin found himself building a relationship with a guard that had helped them in Ellbridge. The young man, Francis Hartley, found himself enamoured with Kalydin after being saved from certain death. After a couple of days of resting after the two of them fought of an elemental invasion, they went on a dinner date and spent the night together. Francis asked Kalydin to come back to him safe a promise that Kalydin, happily, made.  

Long Forgotten Memories

During Session 23, Kalydin found himself and his angel at teh centre of memories neither of them fully remembered. Not only did Kalydin see his family, he also saw that Seraph was once a mortal man who lived in Hydenbur. His memories played out as he watched his mother murdered by his Father, assisted by his Sister. Oryim recognised his father as the man The Mistress of Fatoris blamed for the second Dossil War and his own uncle, Grimwalde Daedark. Revealing to Kalydin that the two of them were cousins.




Towards Kalydin




Towards Oryim




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