Session 6 in Laan | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6

As our heroes travelled back to M'orn, they came across a crowd of unhappy travellers on the road from the Crossroad Outpost to M'orn whom the rangers were barring from travel. As the party approached to ask what was happening, a ranger on duty informed them that they were investigating claims of undead in the area.   With no clear path forward, the party needed to surmount their new foe; asking for directions. They were given a couple of paths forward, one that would take them up to Miller's Crossing before then going West. Or, heading South-West to the Mitlind Mountains to a cave that will let them out near Fatoris. After brief discussion, Kalydin was firmly opposed to the idea of caves and then swiftly outvoted.   With a direction in mind, our heroes travelled South-West and came across a small hamlet of orcs. Seeing that the locals were apprehensive of them, Oryim quickly made a plan to earn their favour and ask them about the cave they would soon be travelling through. As Oryim looked around, he noticed some older orcs playing an orcish card game. Slowly approaching, he asked to be dealt in. The dealer begrudgingly accepted and then were promptly beaten. As the orcs warmed up to their competition, the mood shifted as suspicion became friendly competition. Oryim's plan had worked, leading to the orcs at the table giving them more information about the cave claiming that they harvest the mushrooms that grow in there. They were given lodging for the night and invited to join the orcs on their foraging trip.   On the following morning, our heroes approached the cave mouth with the orcish foragers. They began their journey surrounded by torch and sunlight illuminating the cavern, though as they reached the end of the foraging party, our heroes were soon plunged into deep, deep darkness. As they travelled on and fatigue caught up with them they decided to rest. As they set themselves up with watches, they took their respite. As Sam Calas took up his watch, he extinguished the party's torch, thinking it would be better to save it. He was greeted again by the robe figure who gave him words of encouragement. However, while Sam was distracted, the creatures in the cave began to encroach on our sleeping heroes. As the torch's light roared into life, the party became aware that they were surrounded by very large, very hungry, spiders.   With the party able to fend the spiders off, and keep themselves safe, they elected to forge on ahead coming to a fork in the cave. Liaden O'Legal and Oryim attempted to find which path would help them forward. Noticing a sign ahead of them, Oryim scouted ahead and found the the naturally formed cave became a cleanly cut stone corridor with rough hewn stairs up to an area of natural light. Sneaking into the light, Oryim came upon a plateau with a chapel and small house with a view of the ocean South of Mitlind. Before Oryim could investigate further, an elderly man emerged from the chapel, watered some flowers and began shuffling their way back to the house on the other side of the clearing. In an attempt to reveal himself, Oryim called out noticing very quickly that the old man was blind.   With Oryim locked in conversation with this strange old man, the others became suspicious and began to climb the stairs. Kalydin, being the only one capable of both speaking and reading celestial, could read the words carved into the wall: "Fear The Beast, for The Beast will come, The Beast born of sin. The Beast will have a host and The Beast will bring destruction." As our heroes reached the top of the staircase, they too met the strange old man, who when asked, claimed not to remember his own name. He mentioned that he had a companion here by the name of Arthur, who was unable to speak. The party pressed for more information about the man, the chapel and specifically, The Beast.   The man, whom the party labelled as Obi, informed them that The Beast is also known as the first demon and that one must be raised to fight it. For when The Beast emerges, it will destroy all mortal life and throw the material realm into perpetual pain and torment. Obi also referred to himself and Arthur as "Godless," elaborating that this was a sign that they respect divinity, but fundamentally disagree with the deities of the universe. Kalydin spoke up and claimed that he felt the same way and that his guardian angel, Seraph, was also Godless. Surprised by this, Obi asked Seraph if this was true, and what their purpose was, to which Seraph responded: "I have no god which I serve. My purpose is to protect Kalydin and to prepare him to face The Beast." Obi extended an offer to Kalydin for him to stay with them in their mountain side home to learn about his powers and to become more powerful in order to, one day, stand in opposition to The Beast. Seraph encouraged Kalydin to say yes, as this would be a great opportunity to continue their training with those who understand true divinity, and so Kalydin can have more than one teacher. Initially apprehensive, Kalydin agreed, spending the night with his companions before bidding them farewell as they travelled further into the cave.   Before they left, Obi warned them of a creature in the caves referred to as "Her" or "The Den Mother" a giant spider who, during the winter, slumbers deep within the caverns of the mountains. With this new information, the party set off down into the caves again with their purpose invigorated but also with their path seeming more treacherous than ever.


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