M'orn Settlement in Laan | World Anvil
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General Information

As the youngest city in Mitlind, M'orn is often used as a cautionary tale throughout Dossil. Where once was a muster point for the citizens of Darholm now stands the largest cemetary on the continent.


The city is defended by the Darholm Ranger Corp. These rangers spend their time patroling the city in place of standard guards, as well as surveying both the mountain ranges and open fields beyond the city to stay vigil of incoming threats.


M'orn was first simply a graveyard where pilgrims came to mourn the innocent dead of the Second Dossil War. Over time, due to increasing amounts of foot traffic and people settling in the region, M'orn became its own town and eventually became large enough to become a major settlement in the country.


The main draw to M'orn is its cemetary. Oddly enough, it is almost always covered by a low fog, giving the appearance that the tombstones are simply standing on their own and swaying against the rolling mists.


Much like it's sister city, Darholm, M'orn rests against the eastern side of the Mitlind Mountains. As they are elevated above much of the eastern end of the country by cliffs, they can overlook many of the other communities from where they stand.
The mountain pass between M'orn and Darholm is considered by many to be the safest passage through the Mitlind Mountains, due in great part by the rangers of Darholm keeping watch over the path.
Large town


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