Darholm Settlement in Laan | World Anvil
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General Information

As a sister city to M'orn, Darholm stands on the Western side of the Mitlind Mountains. It is here that Mitlinds parliamentary members meet.


The core governing body in Darholm is the Mitlind Parliament. As members of parliament are delegates from each major settlement within Mitlind's borders, Darholm elects two acting members, one to serve as their representative and another to act as parliamentary speaker. As the term for both of these positions is different, Darholm's citizens are well acquainted with the democratic process.


The city is defended by the Darholm Ranger Corp. These rangers spend their time patroling the city in place of standard guards, as well as surveying both the mountain ranges and open fields beyond the city to stay vigil of incoming threats.

As the location of Mitlind's parliament house, additional defences are required to keep both the building and its members safe from potential acts of espionage, and terrorism. To counter these threats Darholm established the Parliamenary Shields, whose sole duty is to stand guard around parliament house and guard parliamentary members while within the city's gates


Much like it's sister city, M'orn, Darholm rests against the western side of the Mitlind Mountains. Though unlike M'orn, Darholm stands on the lowest part of western Mitlind. This key flaw of their city forced them to construct a wall to maintain the safety and security of their citizens.
The mountain pass between M'orn and Darholm is considered by many to be the safest passage through the Mitlind Mountains, due in great part by the rangers of Darholm keeping watch over the path.


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