The Mistress of Fatoris Character in Laan | World Anvil
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The Mistress of Fatoris


The Mistress of Fatoris has no known name. She is a deeply private individual who has been in control of the township of Fatoris. All who live in Fatoris know of her and either respect, adore or fear her. She has a calm demeanor and is unphased by most things. The wellbeing of her home is her paramount concern, and she will do whatever she must to protect it.

Important Events

The heroes of the Mitlind Campaign first encountered The Mistress in Session 9 in an attempt to expidite their legal proceedings in Fatoris. After promptly ignoring them, The Mistress regarded each party member by name, including Oryim who, at the point, had not revealed his true identity to his travelling companions.

The next interaction these heroes had with The Mistress was during Session 13 which involved her asking them to investigate some of the goings on in town. She knew that something was amiss, but due to her position as a public member of office, she could do very little without arrousing suspicion. She offered them certain "freedoms" while within the town in order to get to the bottom of things.

In Session 15, the Mistress appeared once again, following the events of a bar-room brawl involving the heroes of the Mitlind Campaign and some spider cultists that had infiltrated the town. Upon seeing a number of dead bodies, the Mistress informed the party that she would "Deal with it." She promptly spat on one of the bodies which immediately began to hiss and dissolve when expaosed to the caustic liquid. Later that day, The Mistress agreed to home a family who were currently in danger of being pursued and potentially assassinated by the cult.

During the events of Session 16, The Mistress fought with the heroes of the Mitlind Campaign against what little was left of the spider cult. After the battlefield cleared, she dropped all charges against these heroes and offered them compensation for their efforts in town. At the end of the day, she held a private audience in her office with Oryim, where she declared that they both wanted the same thing more or less. She was interested in the whereabouts of Oryim's father, Inchell II, if only to find more information about Oryim's eldest uncle, Grimwalde. It was her belief that, together, these two started the second Dossil War.

This conversation continued into Session 17, where The Mistress asked Oryim to retrieve something for her, in exchange for information regarding his mother's whereabouts. It was then that The Mistress revealed her true identity as a dragon, one who's egg had been stolen. Naturally, this was something she desperately wanted back, but similarly to the cult issue, she was a public figure and couldn't act however she wanted. She needed someone to act as her proxy. When Oryim agreed, she informed him that she would be watching, and that it was House Canter who had stolen it. Oryim would need to infiltrate their main base of operations in High Gate.


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