Session 17 in Laan | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 17

Following the bombshell that his father and uncle may have been integral in starting the second Dossil War, Oryim continued his discussion with The Mistress of Fatoris. The Mistress informed him that she suspected that Oryim's uncle, Grimwalde Daedark, of treasonous thought and sentiment since the conclusion of the first war. And that Inchell II's disappearance shortly after his return to Fatoris confirmed her suspicions.

As the two continued to discuss things, the Mistress asked Oryim for help. That because the two of their goals aligned, they would have an easier time trying to find them together. However, Oryim was not the first person the Mistress had gone to for help locating Grimwald and Incell II. She had originally asked House Canter for assistance, who eagerly accepted seeing as they had a vested interest in finding the potential traitor. Seeing that this was mutually beneficial, Oryim agreed to help the Mistress in her search.

Before Oryim could leave, however, the Mistress had another proposition. She offered him a job retrieving something for her, a job that she would pay handsomely for. When Oryim probed her for more information about the payment, the Mistress informed her that the reward would be his mother's whereabouts. Taken aback by the proposal, he pondered his options. Before he could agree, he would need to learn what it was he would be doing.

the Mistress began describing the job. Something very important to her was taken, something she very much wants back. Frustrated, Oryim prodded for more information. The Mistress agreed begrudgingly, casting a spell to surround them with magical energy. The object in question was an egg. Her egg. Confused, Oryim asked in what way the egg was her's. She claimed that she layed it, and that she would mother the creature inside of it once it was born. Now even more confused, Oryim asked what the Mistress was. She revealed that she was, in fact, a dragon. And that her egg was the only one she had.

As the Mistress described the job, she elaborated that Oryim would need to go to High Gate, to the home base of House Canter. For it was them that stole her egg. She continued to say that, should Oryim take the job, she would be watching her to monitor her progress. In the process of doing so, if Oryim was caught in the act, he would recieve no support and would be on his own against the organisation. However, if he was successful in retrieving the egg and caught after the fact, the Mistress would offer her assistance. Weighing his options, Oryim found it difficult to make a decision. Noticing his apprehension, the Mistress allowed Oryim to think on it, as long as he gave her confirmation before he left town.

By the following morning, Oryim had decided. He was in. He debriefed the other on only the mandatory information, before going to see the Mistress to accept the job. Thanking his for his work, the Mistress bid him farewell and safe travel. Meeting next to the gate, their work in Fatoris over, our heroes made ready to leave on horseback for their next destination: Twinriver.

As the wandered through the streets, they saw the ripple effect they had had. Sitting down to breakfast at a cafe, sharing coffee were the young dwarves; Thohillodin and Xaboldend. And, as they reached the gate, Rakroth and his family stood there to see them off. Rokrath, holding back his emotions thanked them for their help, and for keeping his daughter safe. Wilma, choked by her feelings had no words, but simply hugged Liaden O'Legal tightly. Rakroth said that he did not have much to give them, but that they would always be welcome in his house. He did however say that he would still charge full price if they got in legal trouble again.

With their business concluded, our heroes hit the road. Travelling for the better part of a week before arriving at their destination. In the misty morning of their arrival, Liaden and Oryim spotted two lines of people standing accross the field. The weapons in their hands poised. As our heroes assessed the situation, Oryim recognised the uniforms they were wearing as the military uniforms of the Twinriver Militia and the Hydenbur Crusaders.

Deciding to avoid the conflict, the two forces ran towards each other on the battlefield. The sound of weapons clashing rung across the plain. However, curiously enough, those who were slain in the initial charge weren't dead. they instead rolled over and raised their hands into the air, where an individual wearing a bright orange vest came and collected them.

Thinking about the time of year, and their location, Oryim concluded that this was a re-enactment of the famous Battle of Twinriver, a pivotal moment in the second war. He told his companions that what awaited them in town would be a week long festival full of ale, food and merriment. Eager to get in there, the party's pace hastened.

Once in town, the party split into two separate groups. Sam Calas and Kalydin decided that they would scope out the festivities, leaving Liaden and Oryim to conclude their business here. In an attempt to find the post-master, the two responsible members of the party went to the post office but were quickly redirected to the pub across the road by the younger clerks there. They were informed that Post-master Strago, a boistrous old dwarf, was a frequent patron of the bar and that he was most likely there.

The others however, found themselves involved in a pie eating contest, much to their merriment. After all, free food tends to taste a little bit better. The competition was simple enough: 2 rounds, 10 pies with a tie breaker at the end. The two of the fought valiantly though Sam was, regretably knocked out of the competition in the 5th round. Kalydin stayed strong, only wavering slightly near the 8th round. It ended in a tie between Kalydin and a portly gnome.

Meanwhile, back on the business end, Oryim and Liaden were able to track down Strago. The dwarf sat in an elevated seat as the other patrons danced and sung around him, serenading him with songs of celebration and calling him "The Hero of Twinriver." Before long, Strago told them to take it easy and go enjoy the sunshine and the festival outside. As the crowd disippated, Oryim and Liaden approached. Strago didn't recognise them and asked them to come closer.

Liaden, being the business savvy individual she is, explained why they were there and asked for his signature. Coincidentally, he was also the recipient of the parcel. Strago agreed to sign, but only if the two of them shared a drink and a story with him. Initially apprehensive, the two sat down with Strago as he asked for their names and how they came to be here with him. Before too long, Strago was satisfied with the tales the three of them shared. He agreed to sign the papers and open the package in front of him.

Back at the pie eating contest, it was now time for the tie breaker. As the announcer took the stage, he ushered forth a concoction only known as "the gutbuster." It wouldn't be long before Kalydin realised exactly why and how it had earned it's name. Through the sweat and tears induced by the hellish meal, Kalydin eeked out a victory, though it was short won, as he then soon spilled his stomach's contents to uproarious applause.

In the bar, Strago opened the package, revealing two rings. He quickly put one on before telling Liaden and Oryim that they were his and his late wife's wedding rings. The rings were originally enchanted to allow the two of them to read eachothers' thoughts. But now that she had passed, he had the enchantment changed, in hopes that he could communicate with her on the other side.

With their business concluded here, our heroes enjoyed a brief respite. Taking in the joys of the local festival before making their way further North to Ellbridge, the final destination on their postal journey. The journey was long, taking our heroes deeper into the cold region of Mitlind and to its North-Western corner.

As they strolled into Ellbridge, they were greeted by a sprawlling cityscape. With large buildings dotting the skyline. After retrieving the post-master's signature with little effort, the party began to search for one Robert Trillio. Again, our heroes split their efforts with Liaden and Oryim heading to the Ellbridge library in hopes of finding family records or an address, while Sam and Kalydin decided to ask around at some of the local bars.

The longer they searched, the more they started to realise two things: 1. Robert Trillio did not like other people and wanted to be alone. and 2. there were some people who didn't like Robert Trillio. In fact, while in a bar, shortly after asking about where they could find him a stranger approached Sam and Kalydin and told them that, if they did find him, to tell Robert to stop publishing. Meanwhile at the library, Liaden and Oryim were able to track him down to one of the top floor lofts. Strangely enough he was alone in a large room which was enchanted to have no sound within its walls.

After approaching him, Liaden and Oryim were quickly brushed off by the young man, who said he had to work and didn't have time to sign. Naturally, they were interupted by another group. It seemed as though Robert was a student at a local university, and these other students were using his academic ability to their advantage by having him write their assignments for him. Liaden, bristling with rage at how people could be so cruel, made it her mission to fix the young man's troubles. She would need to speak to the headmaster.

Unfortunately, academia rarely aligns with altruism. Or at least their schedules don't align. Both the headmaster and head of academic integrity were unavailable and wouldn't be available until the following afternoon. Incensed by the inconvenience, Liaden booked in to see them both. Upon returning outside Liaden and Oryim noticed the same group of students from before posting something on the notice board and laughing. Sensing that their intentions were malicious, she stormed over to see what they had posted. What was pinned to the board was a series of academic notices as well as a number of personal flyers. However, the freshest posting was a poem written by Robert Trillio himself. In fact, it was pinned over the top of another poem that the young man had penned.

Liaden could only be described as fuming by that point, making an effort to scold the onlookers for abetting this behaviour. As she tore the poems from the notice board, she noticed other pages posted on the trees and other walls around the campus. This was Liaden's new warpath. At one of the trees, upon tearing it down was an elven gentleman who, upon chastisation, only said that the poem was good.

With their current task complete, Liaden and Oryim returned to Robert. They asked him if he would sign for the package if they helped him with his problem. A proposition that Robert agreed to, though he didn't take his eyes from his paper.


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