Twinriver Settlement in Laan | World Anvil
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General Information

Lying between two rivers, the aptly named Twinriver is a quiet town south-west of Darholm and sits on the western shore of Lake Chelamot.


The town's guards didn't use to be as active as they are now. To counter the Lakemen threat, Twinriver established the Lake-watch to watch over the lake side district and Lake Chelamot.


Once long ago Twinriver was as peaceful as towns come, and many would've loved to live there. This peace was distured by the Lakemen. A short time ago, the Lakemen appeared and began prowling the streets at night.

Since then the lake has been considered dangerous, and those who ventured out onto the waters would vanish. Thus the lake side district became sectioned off and the town expanded further inland.


Twinriver sits between two rivers that converge beneath Lake Chelamot. With hills and trees surrounding the town from all other angles, Twinriver gets a steady flow of fresh water and wood.
Large town


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