Odd and Old Shop Building / Landmark in Kyrn | World Anvil

Odd and Old Shop

A second hand shop that has a wide variety of merchandise, some in better condition than others. The shop buys items at what many consider unfairly low prices and sells them for a prices that many consider on the edge of too high, but when people of things that they need to sell, the choices are limited to here and Casserel's Coins.   The owner of the shop is Esha Titanleaf and she is considered cantankerous on her best days, especially when it comes to children in her shop who she blames for all of her hardships in life, but especially having to clean up after they have run about the shop.


The shop is not large to begin with, but Esha has packed it full of shelving units and display cases that are stuffed  to capacity with all the items that she has purchased for resale.  it is a little difficult to move about the shop without bumping into the over stuffed shelves, and basically impossible to pass another person in any aisle without someone backing out of the aisle first.
Shop, Generic
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