Violence Demons

Basic Information


All demons are unique individual entities, examples of God's creativity. While violence demons are all similar in how they acquire energy, they differ greatly from each other in physical size and anatomy, with some being utterly monstrous and others being similar to various types of mortal creatures. They are also entirely unique when it comes to what level of power they possess and what they can do with that power.

Genetics and Reproduction

Demons are unable to reproduce, though that doesn't prevent them from seeking physical pleasure.

Ecology and Habitats

Violence demons thrive in areas of high violent energy, such as active warzones and places of severe civil unrest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In order to acquire the energy required to remain active on Earth, violence demons must consume high amounts of energy generated by violent activity.


While violence demons rarely start violent activity themselves, they have been known to work to ensure the violence continues. They often linger around warzones and areas of civil unrest, and will use glamours to appear mortal in order to trigger more violence when they wish to. They have been known to turn peaceful demonstrations into riots and military ceasefires into open battle.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Violence demons thrive off the violent activities of mortals, and often ensure these violent activities continue, to the detriment of the mortals involved both directly and indirectly.

Civilization and Culture


Violence demons, like all other demons, were created directly by God as God's first creations. Each unique being was individually crafted, some showing more experimental creativity than others. Though they all varied greatly in all regards, demonologists have been able to mostly categorize them. They were the ones to determine what made a violence demon just that, versus all other categories of demons.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Violence demons don't think much of mortals or other supernatural beings. They especially hate angels, specifically the Powers, who were created with the sole purpose of fighting and vanquishing demons. They often target violence demons because they cause the most harm to mortals. Most beings avoid violence demons in turn, aside from the angels.

Genetic Ancestor(s)

Violence Demon Characters


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