The Lamizian Collective

A federation of powerful monastic houses, the Lamizian Collective is an enigmatic theocratic nation, which is a centre of great pilgrimage. Multitudes of people cross the Sea of Gormallis each year to visit the temples on the Collectives thirteen islands and pay their respects to their chosen Divines.   The Collective was founded in 2170DP, following the events of the Exile of Orivious, when a group of mystics travelled to the archipelago of the Istial Isles intent on showing the devotion of those on the Material Plane to the new divine order by founding monasteries in the area dedicated to the thirteen most senior of the Divines. Not wanting to cause any of the Divines offense by naming their newly found network of monasteries after any one of them in particular, the mystics names themselves after the ship that had borne them to their new homes, the Lamiz.


The Lamizian Collective is unique amongst Kelbonnar’s nations as it is not a single entity, but rather a collection of thirteen monastic foundations who act together as a federation. Each of these monastic houses is dedicated to a different Divine within Kelbonnar’s pantheon and each monastery has taken on ownership and care of one of the Istial Isles. The names attributed to these monastic houses are the same as those given to the islands, which means that the monastic houses and islands that make up the Lamizian Collective are:  
  1. Basilius, dedicated to Prota.
  2. Bios, dedicated to Menella.
  3. Polemos, dedicated to Astartes.
  4. Agrios, dedicated to Wresmella.
  5. Thoulla, dedicated to Polephemon.
  6. Synkomidi, dedicated to Persephonell.
  7. Ilikia, dedicated to Kroni.
  8. Dianoia, dedicated to Sagosa.
  9. Nomos, dedicated to Kalkari.
  10. Karos, dedicated to Thanata.
  11. Sophia, dedicated to Samenta.
  12. Filoponia, dedicated to Hvanmara.
  13. Isorropia, dedicated to Hella.
Each of these monastic foundations and their islands is home to a deeply faithful community governed by a High Priest. These High Priests are appointed from within the monastic communities, rather than being brought in from outside, and each is picked directly by the deity in question upon the death of the former incumbent of the role.   For matters requiring the Lamizian Collective to operate as a whole, the High Priests gather in the capital, Port Lamiz  once a month to discuss things of import and make decisions that impact all of their communities.


The formation of the Lamizian Collective means that there is no coherent culture that can be identified as being distinct to the nation. Each of the Collective’s monastic houses are highly individualistic, with their own traditions and customs and there is little other than the form of their organisation that links them culturally together.


Each of the monasteries that make up the Lamizian Collective has their own treasuries and stores that operate independently of one another. Over the many years of their existence, they have all become rich, thanks to the many donations that they have received from people and other nations across Kelbonnar since the Collective’s foundation.

Demography and Population

Few people are born on in the Lamizian Collective, and almost all of those who reside there have moved from another part of Kelbonnar to join one of the monastic communities. This means that the population is incredibly diverse, with all sentient species being represented, and no one really having the edge over any of the others in terms of weight of numbers.   The Collective is also one of the most, if not the most, egalitarian nation on Kelbonnar’s Material Plane, as whenever one joins one of the monasteries, vows are taken renouncing any connection they may have had to the outside world, with any possessions brought to the island being absorbed into the monastery’s stores for common use.


The Lamizian Collective lay claim exclusively to the Istial Isles and since occupying them the organisation has made no further territorial claims anywhere else in Kelbonnar.


There is no formalised military within the Lamizian Collective and each of the individual temples is deemed to be in charge of their own defence. How practical such a system is has yet to be really tested, as the sacrosanctity of the Collective’s temples is almost universally recognised and the Collective’s policy of remaining diplomatically aloof means that they have never been dragged into any wars.   If they were attacked, the monks, paladins and clerics that live and run each of the Collective’s thirteen temples would be called to arms, able to bring to bear divine powers to protect their charges. However, the nature of the Divines who are represented amongst the Lamizian Collective means that some isles would be able to muster a much more effective response than others. The followers of Astartes on Polemos, for example would be formidable to face in combat, far more so than say the clerics of Persephonell, charged with the defence of Synkomidi.   The most likely threat that the clerics of the Collective’s temples are likely to face is burglary. Though items originating in the Istial Isles cannot be taken from them, as they will vanish when more than a mile from the coast of their native island, items brought to the temples can be removed again. This means that the large caches of treasure gifted to most of the temples as offerings are forever a temptation to scoundrels and thieves wishing to make, what they think, will be an easy profit.


The Lamizian Collective is overall a polytheistic organisation, though worship within its borders is almost entirely restricted to the thirteen Divines who have one of the Istial Isles dedicated to them. As each of the Lamizian Collective’s islands is dedicated to a specific Divine, each island represents a discrete monotheistic community.

Foreign Relations

The Lamizian Collective have strived, ever since its foundation to maintain open, neutral relations with all of the various factions of Kelbonnar’s Material Plane, so that anyone who wishes can visit and pay homage to any one of the Divines who has a temple and island dedicated to them within the Istial Isles  This neutrality has been respected by the other geopolitical factions of Kelbonnar, and as a result the Lamizian Collective has never been drawn into any conflicts. Negotiations of various types between third parties often take place in the Collective’s capital Port Lamiz , and it is not uncommon that envoys from the Collective be dispatched to facilitate discussions elsewhere on the Material Plane.

Agriculture & Industry

The extent to which the separate parts of the Lamizian Collective engages with agricultural and industrial activity very much depends on the domains that their Divine patrons are associated with. For example, the dedicants of Hvanmara on the isle of Filoponia engage in the intensive crafting of tools, weapons, armour and engineering curios, whilst those dedicated to Persephonell on Synkomidi cultivate vast fields and orchards.   However, the crafting activities and resources cultivated and extracted within the Lamizian Collective, never leave the shores of their respective island. Everything born on, originating from or created on one of the Istial Isles is considered to be the sacred property of the Divine associated with the island in question. They are, therefore not allowed to be taken more than a mile out to sea, and items or creatures which are turn to dust. This means that, as only the clerics of the temples and their personal possessions are able to leave the islands, regardless of the agricultural or industrial activities that takes place across the Istial Isles, they don’t generate any trade activity, or even benefit other parts of the Lamizian Collective.   The variety in the activities undertaken by the Collective’s monasteries means that some are unable to provide sustenance for their communities. Monasteries that fall into this bracket generally have to spend donations given to them to import food, or request that donations of food rather than money or treasure begiven. Some neither produce, nor import, with the clerics living within the temples being sustained by the power of their associated Divine. The most notable in this regards are the monks, clerics and paladins who reside on Karos, under Thanata's care, who are said to survive by the will of the Divine alone.


The unusual nature of the Lamizian Collective means that its population are highly educated. Each of the temples complexes ensures that those who live and work within them are able to read and write, as well as being equipped with all the skills necessary to serve their Divine patron in question. For example, those who work in the service of Wresmella on Agrios are trained to be skilled hunters and trackers, whilst those resident on the island of Filoponia are expert smiths and artisans, as befits those dedicated to Hvanmara.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories


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