Cravus Durone Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Cravus Durone

The Crippler

Cravus Durone is the boss of the Imperial Balt League of Battle Balt. Known as Cravus the Crippler when he decides to enter the Tremena and crush any of his balters that disagree with him.   My One-minute interview was held 839AP in Cravus's private office inside the IBL's official Battle Balt Stadium in Imperias City.   His Rainbow Guard Captain (more on him later) loomed behind me during the interview. I sensed his concern at my presence and an eagerness to remove my head with his mighty sword. I tried to shake his hand to learn what worried him, but he backed away like I was some demon spawn - His eyes revealed he knew about my mind abilities, but for some reason, he declined to warn his boss. It is clear the Captain has some secrets he refuses to reveal.   As always with my interviews, it is not their answers that matter but what my abilities allow me to read. Our handshake told me Cravus is a vengeful man and ruthless if challenged. Going against this man will see you waking up at the bottom of Ronus River, but that is not the only reason to be cautious.    

Danger comes in yellow

  Cravus is famous for never going anywhere without his yellow panyin - an umbrella with a paper-like appearance.   Many believe this is just an affectation to show his Elista roots, but Durone has many enemies and cannot rely just on his Rainbow Guard as protection. For this reason, hiding inside the umbrella's innocent-looking handle sits a stomach-slicing blade. If he yanks it free, then expect it to be the last thing you ever see.   His dismissive treatment of his wife Vemina was apparent during the interview as she sat silently in the background as rigid as a White Lord Divine. I expect that wherever Mr Durone goes, he yanks her around with an invisible leash, although she doesn't strike me as the submissive type. Hopefully, I can handshake her later and find the truth.   I noticed a considerable discrepancy between Cravus's spoken words and what his inner thoughts revealed on our handshake. (The truthful answer - the one I stole from his mind - is written in italics). He also told me hate was a negative emotion, and he only focused on the positive - beautiful words but a complete lie. Below, lists the truth of his answers.   Yes, I am risking the wrath of a dangerous man, but he is too full of himself to care what a failed archivian has to say. Besides, he has never read a book in his life, and the Rainbow Guard Captain has no intention of telling his boss the truth of my powers. It is, therefore, safe to assume Cravus will never see this article, so I don't have to fear the darkest parts of Ronus's depths.    
Cravus Loves:Cravus Hates:
People that understand him.
(Telling people what to do.)
Anybody that disagrees with him - Including demanding balters.
His wife.
(His wife doing what he says.)
His wife speaking without permission.
Increasing the popularity of the Imperial Balt League.
(Making as much Essence as possible)
Giving essence coins to others.
When his fighters fight with their soul in the Tremena.
(Fighters who do exactly what he says.)
'Greedy' Fighters demanding more Essence or refusing to fight when asked.
Fans and their passion for the sport he loves.
(When fans keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves.)
Complaining fans that expect Cravus to do what they demand.
Seeing blood spilled in his tremena.
(This is a truthful answer)
The Queen who refuses to let Imperial Balters use their Sorce Abilities.
Making fans scream for blood during an Imperial contest.
(Truthful answer)
The ever-increasing popularity of the All Race League.

His biggest regret:

Convincing his dad (ex-IBL boss Severstine Durone) to see the Imperial Title clash between Brast and Jasarnus Riggs. (For our readers who don't remember what happened, this was the contest that forced Severstine into a fatal heart attack). Reading Cravus's mind, I found this to be the truth.    

Those closest to Cravus:



  Vemina's graceful moves have spell-bounded thousands of Imperials over the years.  
  Vemina, Cravus's gorgeous yet taciturn wife, spends most of her time in the shadow of her larger-than-life husband. But don't let her withdrawn appearance fool you - for anyone skilled in the art of reading eyes can tell she is an intelligent, calculating woman. And someone who wouldn't lump themselves with a controlling man like Cravus without solid motives.  

Stand out performance:

    Vemina first came to Cravus's attention as a ring entertainer who strutted around the Tremena exhibiting agility-defying moves with a deadly blade, wowing the audience before each contest. (See our Art of Lendor - Vemina section) for pictures of her performances.).   Some say she is the brains behind the IBL, but I think it is unlikely that control freak Cravus would ever loosen his reins over her. But she certainly has gears working in the background, moving things without her husband's knowledge. What are her plans, and if they conflict with Cravus's, will she finally reveal what lies behind her provocative eyes?
Vemina performance 3.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Danger lurks within?

    Her facial tattoo has also become a talking point. Adding ornamentation to the face has become more common recently, thanks to the Fein's influence, but her tattoo glows bright white, implying she possesses a Sorce. However, if true, how did she manage to keep this secret from the The Three Powers that take an interest in all blessed beings? Claytus Tome told me the Queen does not have Vemina listed as a Sorce user. A curious case.
Vemina tattoo.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher
  Cravus and Vemina make an odd couple - With Cravus, what you see is what you get - a brutish-looking thug who uses his physical might to get what he wants, but with Vemina, you have an intriguing enigma that you just can't ignore - no doubt exactly how she wants you to think.    

Rainbow Guard Captain

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by Rastamust the Vanquisher
The Captain must use a Water Aurae to weld such a beast of a weapon.  
  The 400 lb man mountain and Captain of Cravus's well-trained personal soldiers. Called the Rainbow Guard for their painted armour that corresponds to one colour of the rainbow. The captain is distinguished by his massive green metal protection. He also exhibits a pink plume - a colour within Imperial circles signifying masculinity.   The captain's identity has never been revealed, and his reticence to speak gives no hints to his past. But to have been selected as the IBL's personal bodyguard places him in the second tier of Imperial warriors - only behind the The Royal Guard, Elista guards, Crusadas and the Wizard Warzards.
Rainbow Guard Captain portrait.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Suspicious goings on?

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by Rastamust the Vanquisher
Over the last year, the captain has started wearing a helmet covering his face completely. Some speculate that Cravus found him in bed with his wife and killed him. And to avoid difficult questions, the new Captain now covers his face. However, I seriously doubt this is the case since few Imperials are alive today who could match the captain's size.    

Final words:

Cravus has grand schemes for the IBL and is willing to spill vast amounts of blood to achieve his aspirations. Be warned, for the future is bathed in red.  

Cravus's Balter Career

Compiled by Gertrus Rosine 841AP  

Snap Profile:

Cravus makes rare visits into the Tremena, but when he does, it is always against fighters who have disagreed with his policies and mentioned their frustrations in public. Despite his unathletic appearance and obvious girth he has access to an Air Aurae, giving him the speed and agility of a far smaller balter. As a result, he never bothers trying to score tremors, preferring instead to stalk his opponent until he grabs them and batters them into submission.   All his wins are violent, bone-breaking, career-ending defeats to the balter he crushed. Cravus the Crippler's name is well earned, and the destruction he causes to famous fighters has made him a villain fans love to hate.    

Cravus the Crippler's Record

  Class: Warrior (Although his Aurae gives him the speed of most Athletes )
Wins: 26 (All his wins have come by knockout.)
Losses: 0 (Cravus would never risk his undefeated record on the most dangerous balters)
Years active:
821 - Still active
No amateur career and has won no titles.   Future: Cravus has no aspirations of becoming a champion balter but I expect to see him in the arena several more times to continue punishing his more outspoken balters.  

Final comments:

If Cravus ever gave up running the IBL and focused his attention on developing his balter skills, his strength-focused, warrior-style fighting combined with his athletic Air Aurae would likely earn him an Imperial Balt championship. However, on entering the All-Race League, Durone's reliance on his size and strength would lead to many terrible match up's against the massive Riktus warriors who would crush him.   Cravus is a shrewd man who realises the fear he has earned over his destructive IBL wins would be shattered if he ever entered the ARL. He prefers to remain an IBL undefeated enforcer, making sure his more outspoken balters do precisely as he demands or face his wrath in the tremena. A successful tactic for no Imperial balter wants to experience Cravus Durone's 'crippler' alter ego.  

Fan favourite costume

Our fan favourite costume goes to Stefcos Reese for his fantastic impression of Cravus Durone. Good luck leaving the house safely Stefcos for I feel the Rainbow Captain will be over to pay you a visit.  
Stefcos does Cravus and impressively balances umbrella on one finger
Current Location
Refuses to discuss his age - likely around 50
6 ft 1"

Written by Butler & Rosine

Battle Balt:

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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