Imperial Army Rank Organization in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Imperial Army Rank

Royal Guard

  The most powerful soldiers in the Imperial Army are the Royal Guard. An organization of powerful Aurae welding soldiers. Any Sorce practitioners are fast tracked into the Elite Royal Guard. Their main role is the protection of the Imperial Queen and all the Dukess's throughout Tenglan.   To become a Royal Guard they must achieve the rank of Aurae Champion by winning at least one official Tenglan army competition against other fully trained knights. Winning a competition can fast track a regular knight to become a Royal Guard without needing to become a knight captain.   Every city has a regiment of Royal Guard's with several Elites - all helping to speed up the enforcement of the Queen's laws. The Royal Guard used to comprise an equal force of men and women but now, after the controversial Queen's decree of 819, women have been removed in favour of an all-male regiment.   Ricardo's words: I have authored several articles already ranting about the injustice of this law, but nobody has ever bothered reading them, so, in turn, I can't be bothered to explain any further. If you want to know more get your finger out your arse and do some research.   Some of Imperial's mightiest warriors have come from the Elite Royal Guard with their leader - the Royal captain, the best of them. Various historical documents harp on about notable Captain's victories against insurmountable odds; all in the name of protecting our humble sovereign and Guardian Queen. (Perhaps you smelt the whiff of sarcasm.)    

Imperial Army structure:

Army RankAura AbilityArmy years to rank
Saviour Lord’s Herald Born when needed
Guardian Guardian Time of Purification
The Blessed:
King / Queen Sorce Superior Defeat previous Superior
Royal Captain Sorce Champion 25+ Years
Commander-in-chief Sorce Master 20+ years
Army General Sorce User 10+ years
Elite Royal Guard Sorce User 5+ years
Aurae Users:
Royal Guard Aurae Champion 10+ years
Knight Captain Aurae Master 8+ years
Knight Aurae Trained 5+ years
Knight-in-training Aurae Apprentice 1-5 years
Sergeant Elite Warrior 5+ years
Guard Trained Warrior 3+ years
Soldier (Private) Grunt Recruit 1+ years
Cadet Trainee soldier <1 year
  Compare Imperial rank vs Demons

Written by Ricardo Butler

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Claytus Tome


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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