Elista Organization in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Sven Roberts, a newly elected Elista member, strutting his stuff in the gold district. Notice his tiny hat that collects far less essence than those from the less affluent zones.     I had spent a day writing this article giving my views on the Elista, but Claytus Tome took one look, lit a match and burned it to ash, claiming my article was a factless, opinionated piece of drivel.   So, putting personal grievance behind me, here is the amended "factful" version: The Elista were formed  just before the second century as a body to represent the people and chosen by the Queen and the White Church as a way to monitor her own actions (Including the King's) from ever going against the will of the people. She placed rules stopping her from interfering with the running of their organisation. Its early members formed a committee called the Generale and without the Queen's interruptions were free to do what they wanted.   Over the following years, with each new King came a new Supreme that spent more time increasing the size of their Aurae-powered Elista Guard than caring about the People's interests.  

Why they grew their army:

  Increasing their physical power created fear stopping people from speaking up against their ranks and allowed its members to bully their way into the more financially lucrative elements of Lendorian society. Over time, an increasing number of Elista moved into the Purista District, expanding its borders into territory that had previously only existed for the Queen and her trusted entourage.   It soon became apparent: If you had essence coin, anyone could live in Purista and... If I say more this article will end up in flames, so I will stop there. In conclusion, it took many years, but piece by piece, the Elista became the self-serving elitist institution we have today.   Nowadays, some believe the Generale are the force behind the Queen, pulling her strings and the reason for her bizarre actions around 819AP but that is wrong.   She may have her faults but one thing she doesn't lack is the will and foresight to make her own decisions. The Elista control her in the same way a child controls their parents. They may ask for what they want, but she decides if they deserve it or not. Despite her promise to never interfere, the Elista know she could crush them in a heartbeat (literally) if she chose to weld the full extent of her might against them.   With the The Three Powers formation, the Elista have become one of Tenglan's most powerful institutions. They are governed by the newly-appointed Generale, A committee which has gone through traumatic events over the last couple of decades, beginning with the ruthless actions of an ambitious young man, Relix, who became their new leader after ousting his father in 819AP.
Read A new Supreme  for more details.
Two decades followed with Relix reshaping the Generale before more drama hit the Elista ranks.
Read Surprise Contender Rises   So, 2 years after these monumental events, people still struggle to understand what really happened and who exactly rules the Elista. This all leads to another concern that people often voice - If the Elista were created to monitor the Queen, then who monitors the Generale? I have it under reliable authority (- I read it in Claytus Tomb's historical article) that the Queen handed control of the Elista Guard to her husband. Although this guarantees the Elista from abusing their position, what does this mean for Johan Ganay? The king now controls three armies that dominate even the Queen's Royal Guard.   My opinions on these matters were written in my previous ash-destroyed document, so I'll not reiterate them here but I will say it is difficult to support an elitist organisation where only the blessed or wealthy are allowed to join. Their leader, Savatus, is simply one of the many over-inflated, self-serving members that exist in their organisation, strutting through the streets of Tenglan like a victorious balter.   Do you disagree? Perhaps the Elista have done altruistic deeds for you or your family. If so, I'd like to hear about it and re-evaluate my opinions on this new Savatus-era of Elista.

Written by Ricardo Butler

Imperial Life:

Related Reading:

The Queen
King Johan Ganay

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