Water Spell in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Water Practitioners can manipulate the liquid essence within themselves or on external organic things within touching distance.
The duration and extent of their powers depends on their training and efficiency of techniques used to convert Light or Dark into increased strength.  


Light Water users are known as strengtheners due to possessing abilities that allow them to harden their physical composition to increase their strength exponentially. Some abilities they possess include:
  • Manipulating their own essence for enhanced strength.
  • Enhanced flexibility.
  • Healing others by removing of poisons or closing serious wounds to stop blood loss.
  • Self-healing. (Master practitioners only).


Dark Water practitioners are known as executioners for their lethal abilities to manipulate the blood of their enemies with a mere touch and the incredible strength they can generate when dealing death blows. Some of their most powerful abilities include:
  • Poisoned Touch.
  • Blood clotting.
  • Weakening.
  • Enhancing strength even beyond a strengthener but only for short periods. This provides bursts of incredible raw power but with limited stamina.
  • Paralysing (Master practitioners only).

Essential Lendorian positions for Water practitioners:

Water practitioners are often paired with Earth Protectors allowing a Strengthener to attack with all his enhanced might whilst under the protection of powerful Shields. A lethal and almost unbeatable combination.
  • Body guards for the Royalty and wealthy.
  • Every merc team wants a Water user in their team as the brawns behind the team.
  • Elite soldiers to decimate enemy lines.
  • Purity Knights for the Church.
  • Security for the Vaults.



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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by The One Father


Author's Notes

Bladestar white Background Yin and yang.png
by Adam Neve-Dunn
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