Fire Spell in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Fire Practitioners can directly control the heat component of essence within objects to create reactions that can manipulate movement after flight.
The duration and extent of their powers depends on the years they have trained to focus their abilities and their breathing techniques to convert Light or Dark into improved manipulation.  


Light Fire users are known as rangers because of their ability to bend objects during flight to land deadly accurate long-range attacks. A list of their most potent abilities includes:
  • Manipulation of an object after it's thrown or fired from a range weapon.
  • Enhanced senses like taste, sight, and smell.
  • Burning away lethal poisons from within a person's body.
  • Sensing danger. (Master practitioners only).


Dark Fire practitioners are known as devastators for their abilities to launch range attacks and cause explosions deep within enemy lines. Some of their most powerful abilities include:
  • Launching beams of destructive dark energy.
  • Touching an object so it causes explosive reactions when it collides with another.
  • Generating increased heat within one's skin to cause intense burning to others.
  • Projection of fire at close range. (Master practitioners only).

Essential Lendorian positions for Water practitioners:

  • Trackers
  • Assassins
  • Most Elite balters have at least a trace of Fire Aurae in their blood
  • Royal Archers
  • Rangers in the army or in a merc team



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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by The One Father


Author's Notes

Bladestar white Background Yin and yang.png
by Adam Neve-Dunn
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