Earth Spell in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Earth Practitioners can manipulate the nearby ground and local environment to generate a variety of energy shields or draining powers. (They often need direct skin contact with the ground or another person to get the most pronounced effects).
The duration and extent of their powers increases dependent on the years they have harnessed Earth powers and how efficient their body is at converting Light or Dark into shield-like abilities.  


Light Earth users are known as protectors due to the defensive energy shields, they can tap into, such as:
  • Shields to protect their entire bodies.
  • Shield bubbles to protect themselves and nearby allies.
  • Shield projections where they launch a shield to protect an ally from attack.
  • Changing one's body composition by absorbing the properties of nearby objects like wood, metal, or stone. (Master practitioners only).


Dark Earth practitioners are known as Devourers for their powers to absorb, drain and weaken enemies. Some of their most powerful abilities include:  
  • Essence-draining of enemies by touch.
  • Sending dark essence into light beings to weaken or corrupt them.
  • Transferring essence from one being into another.
  • Creation of Dark shields. These take huge reserves of energy to charge making them smaller than Light shields but more resistant to damage.
  • Absorption of others essence into oneself. (Master practitioners only).

Essential Lendorian positions for Earth practitioners:



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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by The One Father


Author's Notes

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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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