Humans Species in Ghemjana | World Anvil
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Humans are the largest population group in Ghemjana by size and are adapted to every sort of environment.  While many races will have specific customs and quirks, one of the defining traits of humans is their adaptability to the customs, norms and ideals of whatever group they reside with. Thus, paradoxically, the most human thing a human will do, is to act like another race and take up their traditions, gods, beliefs, attitudes and mannerisms.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce at an alarming rate, nearly that of goblins, but only have a fertile window of 50 years or so, depending on the sex.


Humans are little more than psychotic apes, and appear suicidal in their attempts to "get things done". Humans are stubborn, arrogant, and aware of how weak they are, thus they value intelligent people less, and stronger humans more.

Additional Information


Yes, they can be domesticated, but dislike this term. Do not use this with humans, instead, refer to them as "refined", "civilized", "noble", and other such flattering lies.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Humans can be exploited for many tasks and uses and will often voluntarily offer themselves up for experimental treatments, dangerous missions and unknown challenges. They are easily rewarded with shiny rocks, pats on the head and verbal praise.

Average Intelligence

Yes. Very.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Humans have a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in their bodies that chew their food for them to aid in digestion. This makes them greatly adapted to almost all food groups and resilient against diseases and allergies.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are entirely dependent on the ethnicity that the human was born into and the popular zeitgeist of the time.

Beauty Ideals

Humans are obsessed with beauty and pursuing things they find aesthetically pleasing. Sharp, narrow features, symmetry, flowing curves and bright colors are all considered "beautiful" and desirable.

Courtship Ideals

Most humans are less interested in the rituals of courtship and rather focused on the mechanics of reproduction.

Average Technological Level

Very low. If it wasn't for the intervention of the higher intelligence races, Humans might still be poking each other with sharpened sticks.

Common Etiquette Rules

Humans will bare their teeth in displays of happiness and manic joy, instead of aggression. They like to touch things, and others, as a form of greeting or farewell, and will be suspicious of anyone that refuses to grab limbs upon meeting. When interacting with humans, it is best to immediately seize the limb to push towards you, gently hold the digits and give vapid platitudes of beauty and health. "Greetings, human, blessings on your fair looks and health to your family", is considered very acceptable.

Common Taboos

Each human is different but many have taboos against killing others except in self defense or when angered by a mate, or when carefully planned by a governing body, or when they're scared, or if anther person "had it coming, ya know?", or if they want something of yours.    Also nudity. Humans are scared of nakedness in daylight and only mate in the dark.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans will literally breed with anyone that is willing. Seriously, like, it's actually weird how excited they get about it.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
75-100 years
Average Height
5'0 to 6'0
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans, as a group, are rather dull and plain, with only a few skin differences in color and hair. It may, in fact, be very hard to tell the difference between them unless extreme opposite examples stand together, and even then......


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