Trembler’s Pox Condition in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Trembler’s Pox

Ever spent a week on the campaign march when someone got the Trembles? Worst thing you could ever have happen! Cooking had to be done carefully for more tedious meals because the sod could barely get a utensil in the pot from all the shaking they did. The rainfall didn't help either since we had to keep a close eye on each other to be sure that anyone's shivering was not from the cold and it was only the cause of their pox. The regiment could march only half of what we normally do without a few of our own collapsing from fatigue.

We nearly had one death that night. Makes you wonder if those blethers would fair any better in our predicamnt.

— Captain within the Kingdom of Trinidad

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is known to spread between people, creatures, and infected surfaces.


In the beginning, the infected will start to feel a little cold despite even being in a warm climate. Eventually this cold causes the body to shiver just before the middle stage after a few days of the initial infection. Fever and chills also start setting in.

Roughly between 4-7 days or more, or after a week in general, the subject will then have a runny nose with coughing. At this point, small boils and blisters begin to emerge.


Resting and staying warm helps the body fight off the illness. For some people, a few days to a week of rest cures them entirely of it. Should the illness remain longer than a week after this resting period, many physicians then believe the case to be supernatural and thus a specialist will need to be called in. Often a cleric is called in to aid the victim.


It is very rare to die of the trembles but those who have severe cases, it is likely that death will occur. Without resting in a warm environment, the trembles may continue for a little more than a month. This period is usually how death occurs, as the most common victims are those who resume their heavy labor despite their condition.

Affected Groups

Humanoid races, such as elves, vren, humans, and the like are commonly infected. Races with Arkonian heritage, such as sadarren and gnolls, often are more resilient to this disease.

Should a character contract this disease, they have disadvantage on Dexterity attacks and ability checks. When the sores appear, the character then has disadvantage on Charisma ability checks. After taking a long rest for three days in a row or is cured by a lesser restoration spell, the disease no longer takes effect.
— Implementing Trembler’s Pox to 5th Edition

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