Jondai Species in Evenea | World Anvil

Jondai (szhohn daI)

The Jondai or Frost Trolls are a race that resembles the Yetis of the Himalayas. They live in the frozen lands of Northern Eveynjar, and are known to be bards, Elementals, and Wardens due to their powerful Thu'um and high affinity for ice and life magic. To most outsiders, they seem stoic and intimidating, but in reality they are far from it. They care deeply about all life and are very sensitive folk. As such, they very seldom actually kill anything. However, if it is in defense of another being, they cannot stand idle. Jondai have an uncanny ability with their fists. In fact, it is said that Jondai were the first to learn the martial arts, and as such they are some of the strongest pugulists.

Basic Information


Appearance-wise, Jondai possess thick white to gray fur, muscular physique, and pointed ears. Occasionally, some Jondai possess spike-like horns that look similar to spikes of ice. Their faces are often sport a large nose, pronounced tusk-like canines, and dark colored eyes to prevent glare from the snow. Skin color of Jondai ranges from black to brown to blue.

Growth Rate & Stages

Jondai live upwards of 200 years or more, so they aren't considered adults until the age of 80 or so.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Indeljar with populations in Empyria and Yllithr

Average Intelligence


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

All Jondai names are neuter (meaning they don't have male/female preference) and their names are in Jondaian Giant (basically Inuit). Common names: Brehndon (Specter), Assiminik (Zealous), Taktuq (Fog), Qaniit (Falling Snow), Imnek (Cliff)

Major Organizations

Jondai come from a tribal community structure, with each having a name in draconic (skyrim rules apply, 3 words in draconic make up a name), but are a major part of city and town populations in Indeljar.

Beauty Ideals

Being well-kept and having a good singing voice.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Jondai often know how to speak Common (Indeljarran, Empirian, and Yllithian), Giant (Jondaian), and one other language.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is rude to speak above another It is important to aid others in the elements

Common Dress Code

Generally some warm furs and clothing


The Jondai started their existence as a race descended from the Arctyx exiles of Valoreum, who abandoned their draconic forms. As time went on, the magic that they once possessed warped them into the first Jondai, or Ice/Cold Elves. Though technically a beast race, their ears often make others believe them to be a variant of elf rather than a beastial race.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Jondai get along with most races, but are extremely distrustful of Empyrial Humans.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Primigenihomo bestia gelotrogylodytarum
200-300 years
Average Height
8-9ft tall
Average Weight
Average Physique
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations