Indeljar, Nation of Organization in Evenea | World Anvil

Indeljar, Nation of


The organization of Indeljar is viewed as follows:
  • High King: Ruler of Indeljar and leader of the jarls; does not infringe upon the duties of the jarls in maintaining their lands.
  • Hertug (Duke): A regional Island ruler; used in the Asylum Isles and Durwin Isles. Title below Jarl, but seldom listen to them.
  • Thegn (Thane): A knighted ruler that answers to the High King, but also respects the laws of the Jarls. Most are promoted from Huskarls or Lendmen, but some lucky Hauld are made Thanes.
  • Jarl (Earl): Provincial Ruler of a specific Hold, with each ruling from a city. They are in charge of making laws for their provinces and govern Hertug, Lendmen, and Huskarls.
  • Lendman (Baron): Local leader of a city, town, or village. Act both as mayors and as judges and are in charge of keeping the peace. Cities governed by Jarls instead have Lendmen as district heads and council together when problems impact multiple districts.
  • Huskarl (Housecarl): Elite infantry that serve Jarls, Thanes, and Lendmen. Often Hauld that have earned prowess in battle, and report to their respective leader. Most cities often have multiple Huskarls.
  • Hauld (Hold): Farmer or Landowner who has possessed land for six generations or more. Often is the highest rank awarded to free men, but can be promoted to Thane or Huskarl if proven worthy.


Indeljar as a nation has many cultures within it, depending on the region, race, and even ethnicity of a person or city. However, what is apparent wherever you go in Indeljar is a people that care for travellers, who are resilient and unyielding, and hardworking above all else. They reward those who go above and beyond their callings, and revel in the stories told of heroes.

Demography and Population

The kingdom of Indeljar has a total population of 239 million people.  
Common Races (make up approximately 75% of the population):
Uncommon Races (make up approximately 20% of the population):
  • Empyrial
  • Alfudai
  • Syndai
  • Otterkin 
  • Anguiridai

Exotic Races (make up approximately 5% of the population):
  • Any Elemental race
  • Any Fae folk
  • Any Ende Rii
  • Any race hailing from Southern Eveynjar
  • Scorpaeus 
  • Any Reptile folk
  • any Dragon-folk


The kingdom of Indeljar covers an area of 3.9 million square miles. Of this, 38% (1.5 million sq. miles) is arable land, and 61% (2.4 sq. miles) is wilderness. It borders the Carassean Sea to the north, the Dividing ocean to the west, Empyria to the south, and Yllithr to the east.  
The largest city has a population of 201 thousand people, the second largest 100 thousand. There are 9 other cities of note in the kingdom, and 110 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.  
The kingdom of Indeljar has 4798 active castles and 3392 ruins. Of these, 3359 castles and 2036 ruins are in civilized lands, and 1439 castles and 1356 ruins are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.


The main religion of Indeljar is the worship of the Progenitor dragons, the patriarchs and matriarchs that gave rise to the Diiv'anne or Dragon Folk. As such the following Progenitors are worshipped as the following:
  • Eldyr, the Father of All: First of the Diiv; worshipped by those who are their family heads as a source of guidance. Most notable followers are often seen as Harbingers and Seers.
  • Igneus (known as Gavvainne in Indeljar): The father of the Draiconians or Fire Dragons; worshipped by those who revel in battle and war. Many Thegns are known to worship him.
  • Maledicta (known as Mal In Yol or Short Master of Flame in Indeljar): The mother of the Draiconians or Fire Dragons; worshipped by fire mages and strategists.
  • Olmus (known as Ulmodt in Indeljar): The father of the Olmeans or Water Dragons; worshipped by sailors and merchants.
  • Pelagia (known as Randt in Indeljar): The mother of the Olmeans or Water Dragons; worshipped by Water mages and Diviners.
  • Aethalius (Known as Fraeus in Indeljar): The father of the Aethalians or Sky Dragons; worshipped mainly by the Raptorans and farmers hoping for good weather.
  • Whidnevyrne (known as the Hunting Wind in Indeljar): The mother of the Aethlians or Sky dragons; worshipped by the Raptorans and hunters.
  • Terrus (known as Drakr in Indeljar): The father of the Gol'drakken or Earth Dragons; worshipped by the Dvardai, miners, and grave-tenders due to his status as being deceased.
  • Idumaea (known as Fraka in Indeljar): The mother of the Gol'drakken or Earth Dragons; worshipped by the Dvardai, potters, and earth-workers. Also commonly worshipped by Barbarians due to her battle prowess.
  • Vitreus (known as Stohn in Indeljar): The father of the Sub'drakken or Stone Dragons; worshipped by masons and engineers.
  • Electrus (known as Tohr in Indeljar): The father of the Electryll or the Electrical Dragons; worshipped by Farmers for rain, Lightning Mages, and Engineers.
  • Arctus (also known as Skoldr or Yomir in Indeljar): The father of the Arctyx or Ice Dragons; worshipped by the Jondai and Nordtmen, as well as explorers, adventurers, and seel/whale hunters.
  • Gaius (also known as Fraigg in Indeljar): The father of the Druimae or Druid Dragons; worshipped by Farmers, and Herders, as well as many Druids and Rangers.
  • Forestfinder (also known as Freiyra in Indeljar): The mother of the Druimae or Druid Dragons; worshipped by Hunters, and Lumberjacks, as well as many Clerics, Rangers, and Druids.
  • Ziirym (also known as Mimrorur): The father of the Chaiyjus or Summoner Dragons; is seldom worshipped, but those who do are often Conjurers and Summoners.
  • Areamnah (also known as Ea'ruhn): The mother of the Chaiyjus or Summoner Dragons; is seldom worshipped, but those who do are often Conjurers and Summoners.
  • Naalrym (also known as Nohlden in Indeljar): The father of the Naal'drakken or Metal Dragons; worshipped by smiths and metal workers.
  • Lumeris (also known as Aldr in Indeljar): The father of the Lumerealleans or Light Dragons; worshipped by many clerics and Alfudai.
  • Tiidrym (also known as Skaldr in Indeljar): The father of the Kellokians or Time Dragons; worshipped by Time mages and Bards.

Foreign Relations

Thoughts of Empyria: They are the scum of the earth. Thoughts of Yllithr: Though we are allies, they look down on us. We are warry of the Elves. Thoughts of Anywere else: None


  1. It is unlawful to kill another, unless it is self defense.
  2. It is unlawful to steal. If caught, may lead the revoking of the former laws on oneself.
  3. Never serve or aide an enemy of the state, unless there is no alternative.
  4. Do good to your neighbors and your kith.
  5. Be charitable if you are able.
  6. It is unlawful to poach game, and doing so can lead to the revoking of the former laws on oneself.

Sons of Snow and Ice

Founding Date
5000 AF, kinda
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The Spärn is the national coinage. Depending on the specifics, it can be called one of the following:
  • Säs spärn: Copper Coin; can also be made of bronze
  • Lo spärn: Silver Coin
  • Belo spärn: Half-silver coin (made of electrum)
  • Bjo spärn: Gold Coin
  • Håt spärn: High Coin (made of platinum)
Generally, for those with large amounts of coin, they store their coinage at the Indeljarran National Bank, where those who are members can sell expensive goods and keep their coinage stored safely away. Any member of the bank gets a enchanted steel file that acts as a remote way of paying merchants  and other vendors.
Legislative Body
The Jarls are in charge of law making.
Judicial Body
Lendmen are in charge of the judicial courts of their regions.
Executive Body
The High King and the Thegns are in charge of enforcing laws.
Official State Religion
Related Species

Articles under Indeljar, Nation of