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Evenea The World of Primal Magic

Sul do Wahlaan, 1st day of High Spring, 5001st Year after the Fall of Valoreum

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Evenea, is an unusual plane of existence that is cut off from the normal planes of existence that most adventures exist on. It is a planet that is split into three different zones, each inhabited by strange and unusual races, creatures, enemies, and hazards. Every once in a while, a larger planet, called Endel, comes into alignment with Evenea, causing massive and powerful natural disasters. This other plane acts as a buffer between Evenea and the multiverse, preventing any dangerous beings from getting out or getting in. It is home to the Ende-Rii, a collection of races that are ruled by a figure known as the Endaison.
Evenea focuses less on the point of adventure, and more on the interactions with the world around the players. Sure, a dangerous lich may need to be stopped, but natural dangers like the bus sized Centirak or a Frost Draconodont may also prove to be just as dangerous. Evenea is a world not just of magic, but a primeval world filled with powerful creatures including the aforementioned Centirak, Draconodonts, Dinosaurs, and many more creatures to be announced for those Dungeon Masters that love throwing enemies or potential allies at their parties. Enenea offers this to potential players
Fragmentary Lands. The Lands of Evenea have been separated by the magic and natural forces of the world itself. The lands of Aethyr are a collection of floating islands that floats on a current of pure magic, each of which have faeries vying for control in an unending war. The lands of Eldyr, Valoreum and Eveynjar, were split by the powerful and highly active tectonic forces that run the planet. The lands of Nethyr are a collection of caverns sustained by a cycling of water, magic, and other material that give rise to its unique environs, each governed by the influence of elemental lords.
Diverse Peoples. The magic of Evenea doesn’t only affect the lands, but the people of the world itself. From the frog-like Amphibanne to the gargantuan Nephillinne, the term ‘human’ is more loose than most worlds would consider it to be.
Primeval Planet. The magic of Evenea has led to creatures surviving way past their time they have survived on Earth. From Tyrannosaurs to Walking Whales to Eurypterids, Evenea boasts a wide variety of organisms that once existed on Earth, and some that never did. Unpredictable, Powerful, and Useful Magic. Not only does the magic of Evenea do things to the land, flora, and fauna, it also can cause storms out of nowhere, volcanoes to rise where no volcanism is present, or sinkholes to form where none are present. However, this also gives rise to a unique type of magic that all classes can access and harness from the environment around them, helping stabilize the world around them. this magic is known as the Vol Nah Ku'uh.
Ancient Ruins. Civilizations have come and gone in Evenea, and as such, their once established cities now lay in ruins, overgrown by jungle, absorbed by the sands, or sunk in the waves. Many ancient and powerful artifacts may yet be found within. Powerful Artifacts. Powerful artifacts can be found across Evenea, whether in the form of simple trinkets, or enchanted weapons, anything is possible to find. The most sought-after of these are the Faerie Blades, powerful tools infused with the souls of primordial beings, whose purpose is yet to be discovered.
Extinct Dragons. True Dragons, beings that were neither mortal or immortal, were fought to extinction as they opposed the creation of mortality, betraying the god that made them. Though they are dead, they cannot fully die, as their souls are tied to their bones, doomed to watch mortality unfold and eventually succumb to themselves….
Ancient Threats. Haunting a labyrinth between Eldyr and Nethyr known collectively as the Underground Ways, lie the defeated horrors known as the Eldritch. Powerful and dangerous enemies, they await the day they yet again can try mortals and set their master free…. Foreboding Prophecies. The god of Evenea, sometimes called Ilwe, has been very active and loves to speak to all the races. However, they unfortunately seldom listen to him, and so Ellethryl was born to be a trial