Sondai Species in Evenea | World Anvil


The Sondai or Orcs are a race that resembles the Sasquatch in American myth. Native to Southern Valoreum, they are known as powerful warriors, great smiths, and raging berserkers. They are often considered wary and untrusting of outsiders, but are kind to those who have proven themselves.   Unlike other beast races, the Sondai have no animal that looks like them, other than some primates. Though, they do not respect nature any less. Rather, they along with the Jondai and Yandai share the most respect for nature of any of the Beast Races, often opting for living in clans in the forest rather than living in cities or societies. They nurture the forests they live in and take no more than they need, and they ask that any that take from the forest only take what they need.   Sondai sometimes run into troublemakers that cause trouble in their forests, sometimes leading to conflict. In such cases, the Sondai are excellent smiths, making stronger steel than any other beast race and therefore ensuring the survival of the lands they live in.

Basic Information


Appearance-wise, Sondai possess a coat of blackish brown to blonde fur, well-defined muscles, and slightly pointed ears. Their faces have slightly enlarged noses, tusks that protrude from the lower jaw, and dark-colored eyes. Skin color of Sondai comes in shades of green, browns, and reds.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sondai live upwards of 200 years or more, so they aren't considered adults until the age of 80 or so.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male: Wrukag, Qob, Varkgorim, Krugbu, Zabub, Snat Female: Gharol, Dura, Oghash, Arob, Mor, Atub


The Sondai started their existence as a race descended from the Drakken exiles of Valoreum, who abandoned their draconic forms, though they never left Valoreum, instead opting to try and repair the lands instead of leaving them. As time went on, the magic that they once possessed warped them into the first Sondai, or Conifer Forest Elves. Though technically a beast race, their ears often make others believe them to be a variant of elf rather than a beastial race.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Primigenihomo bestia terratrogylodytarum
Average Height
Average Weight