The Valdarian Empire (Organisation) Organization in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The Valdarian Empire (Organisation)

The Valdarian Empire is ruled by the King and the Royal Family, as well as each of the six High Lords. Each control one of the 7 Provinces that the Empire is split into.


The King rules supreme over the laws and governing of the Empire, though the day to day runnings are taken care of by the High Lords in their respective Provinces. Each province is hence ruled slightly differently, depending on the High Lord, though all are consistent with the standard laws set in place by the King. The laws can be best understood by viewing the Royal Province of Edelweiss, where the King rules directly.


Initially, King's Landing was founded as the first city of the Empire. It was founded during the reign of King Zachary Valdra, whose bloodline has gone unbroken since. The Empire began as a Kingdom under his rule and, as its influence spread, eventually grew to occupy an enormous territory on the Ethurian continent. Many of the countless settlements became nearly impossible to govern for just one King as hundreds of Nobles started to appear, each with their own beliefs. King Zachary decided to officially make the Kingdom an Empire in name and split the territory into seven Provinces, named after the flowers each of his closest aids wore upon their breast. The King himself wore an Edelweiss, Viceroy Vikar wore an Amaryllis, Viceroy Hofmann wore a Hyacinth, Lytton a Valerian, Brentwood a Gladiolus, Varn a Goldenrod, and finally, Fuchs wore a Holly. Two of these lines have since been broken and their family names changed, though they still hold claim to the name of High Lord, something Zachary wished to honour them with, along with the right to name their own Viceroys from there on out.


The Valdarian Empire has taken part in quite a few wars over its long history, with the most recent being The Great War with the Eastern Bezhatin Khaganate. Thusly, the Empire has built itself a profound military with countless specialised divisions. High Lords Vikar and Lytton are famous for being in charge of the Military decision-making of the Empire, each boasting impressive might in assault capability and impregnable defensibility, respectively. Together, they form what can be considered the most powerful force the Continent has ever seen, contested only by the Bezhatin forces. Bezhatin guerilla tactics, however, are what make up much of their formidability and hence, in terms of pure, raw power, the Empire's military is overwhelming.

Technological Level

With the Empire in the late-medieval to early-renaissance period, in terms of scientific advancement, it is relatively advanced when compared with the rest of the Continent. One notable proficiency of the Empire is its outstanding Arcane advancements. With High Lord Faulkwind of the Holly Province as the resident Arcanist of Valdaria, his discoveries have pushed their understanding and application of Magics far beyond the norm.

Glory to the Empire! All Hail Valdaria!

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Valdarian Sovereigns, Crowns, Half-Crowns, Quarters, Pennies.
Legislative Body
The Valdarian King writes the Laws, but they are a loose guideline that the High Lords must only follow to a degree. There are some absolute laws, such as laws against murder and thievery, but it is up to High Lords what the details of those laws are, and how punishment is carried out, to a degree.
Judicial Body
The Obligators rule over the law system and have no High Lord affiliation, but will follow in suit with any High Lords laws while judging for crimes committed within that High Lord's territory. They are also necessary for witnessing deals and legal documents; without an Obligator to witness it, the action is ruled invalid and cannot be protected by law.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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