Edelweiss Province Settlement in Ethuria | World Anvil
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Edelweiss Province


As the capital Province of the Empire, it is unsurprising that there is wealth to be found everywhere here. Under King Regius Valdra, the people are treated well here and the money amassed in the Empire's coffers does not go unseen by the population. As with most of the Empire, the highest positions of power are controlled primarily by humans, though not exclusively.


The King handles the Province directly and allows the others to be governed by their respective High Lords freely. This gives him a lot of time to spend paying attention to the Edelweiss Province in specific. It, thusly, is not controlled by any large third parties that one would normally find in an Empire of Valdaria's size. While there are countless groups, factions, churches, and guilds that affect its governance, the King's input is far more prominent.


Most of the infrastructure development is left to the other Provinces who specialise in it and the Edelweiss province is the Apex of all of these inventions, working together. The architecture and security protocols of the Valerian Province, the trading halls and transport systems of the Goldenrod Province, the military structure and might of the Amaryllis Province, the Arcane prowess and technological developments of the Holly Province, the resource production and storage of the Gladiolus Province, and, finally, the luxurious extravagance and opulence of the Hyacinth Province. This combination together provides the grand Affluence that the Edelweiss Province commands.


Initially, the Edelweiss Province spread around King's Landing and the Violet Thread. To this day it has accrued an enormous influence across the continent, despite being confined to the coast. Originally, there was no separation and the "Edelweiss Province" did not exist. Instead, the Kingdom grew from the West inwards until it eventually became too large to manage. From that date forward, the Edelweiss Province has not expanded by much. New territories were granted to the High Lords and resources found would be sent back to Edelweiss to benefit the Empire as a whole. This also allowed the Province to focus on its internal development and made the task of transforming Edelweiss the most prosperous place to live much simpler.
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
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