Saltmarsh Settlement in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The massive fortress city on the Border of the Empire. Saltmarsh is known for having walls that span kilometres and cover much of the border far beyond the city limits.


The ruling of the City, similar to Alonkik, is decided my martial law and the guard reigns supreme, just above the Church of Amanzir.


Gigantic walls surround Saltmarsh in countless layers, separating very distinct districts throughout the city. The main wall that lines the border reaches 245 feet high and 55 feet thick. Ballistas both line these walls and sit in the many guard towers inside the walls, ready to fire devastating bolts onto any threats. The guard population of the city is also immense, with nearly one guard to every 10 civilians. In fact, there is an entire Military district in the city designed specifically to house this population and provide for their needs. These guards are trained rigorously and are revered as some of the best in the Empire.


Much of the city is designed to stand against any form of a large-scale invasion. While it's defences are nigh impregnable, the Lytton bloodline is nothing if not thorough. Countless tunnels run beneath the city, with entrances scattered throughout the streets for civilians to escape through, should disaster befall Saltmarsh. The architects of the city have considered the preservation of the Valerian people with every construction and no expense was spared during its development.


Due to the city's defensive nature, there is a notable lack of wooden buildings. In addition to this, the walls of the houses are quite thicker than the Imperial standard. The stone foundation of the city makes even the simplest structures quite famous for their defensibility. It is said the city was once a gigantic, lone mountain that the Lytton family beat into submission and carved away at until only the great walls and the city itself remained as if their willpower reforged the land itself. This is, of course, a myth, but it has found its way into idioms and sayings that tell the story of their bloodline and their unshakable will.
Alternative Name(s)
The Impenetrable City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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