Session V - The Corpses of Hollyhead Cemetery Report in Ethuria | World Anvil
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Session V - The Corpses of Hollyhead Cemetery

General Summary

As the party leave the Night Hag's Cave and The Wilted Wood, they finally make their way back to Durmchapel. From there, they proceed South to the next town Zerkur had mentioned was his next destination, Blackford. They arrive to find the aftermath of another attack, similar to the one in Durmchapel, but with far more to investigate. After they ask the locals, they hear of a similar attack that happened in Murtslock. Zerkur is nowhere to be found, but rumour says he left earlier, alive. As the party begin to look at the square where this attack took place, they see it was far more lethal than the first, however, the guard was also more prepared. They discover that the attackers seemed to be looking for something and when they did or didn't find it, they left.   The group set off for Saltmarsh to sell off some of their treasures and repair their gear before they head to Hollyhead, the most likely location for both Zerkur to go, and for the next attack. As they arrive, they witness the glory of the fortress-city and the Great Eastern Wall before going to some arcanists to get their items appraised. They learn the nature of the three magic scrolls in their possession, as well as some information about the Hallowed Scroll that Locke has been carrying, and the Mysterious Helmet in Persephone's bag.   The Hallowed Scroll has many magics enchanted on it, though they seem to be beyond the standard arcane nature; they appear to be of divine origin. While the scroll has Illusion magic cast on it to conceal the script, Conjuration and Transmutation magics are also present, though their purpose is unknown. As the scroll is held above the light for longer, thorned vines begin to appear on the Vellum, creeping inwards and wrapping around the four paragraphs of text. Locke senses a gaze upon him for a moment, before it vanishes, with the thorns.   The Helmet has magics that the arcanist does not understand. They are of an ancient time, created by understandings long lost to time. He is able to discern that its nature appears to be telepathic, specifically receptive. It appears the Helmet cannot transmit thoughts, though it can receive what may be broadcast from another location. He also mentions that he has seen multiple items of similar craftsmanship come through Saltmarsh, though the wielders have never had them appraised, so that is all the information he knows. He mentions seeing a greatsword and a spear, in particular, as well as a pair of scimitars of the same bone and purple steel materials.   The party eventually sell off their art and leave for Hollyhead. Upon arrival, they notice a market being set up for the following morning. Zerkur is nowhere to be seen, but that's not too worrying, given his temperament. Persephone deigns to help an elderly lady, Betty, by moving some boxes for her stall. They go to the small church, finding a cemetery outside it. They begin to carry some crates down to the marketplace but, upon their return for the second set of crates, they find her talking to a new man, who was not there beforehand. Hiraeth gets suspicious and remains behind but eventually leaves to continue the work. When the others return, after Hiraeth has left, there is a third man, now talking with Betty and the first man. They switch places again and Hiraeth sees one tombstone less than she counted before. She begins to ask questions.   As Locke and Persephone return, Hiraeth has been told that they sometimes dig part of a grave in advance, so that filling in the grave with a coffin doesn't leave a mound. This raises more suspicion and Locke asks the pair who have just arrived about it, before spotting another three identical graves. Jack, the first of the two men, claims he doesn't know about this grave and George, the other, says he dug it earlier in the day. Jack seems to get suspicious of him now, too, a purposeful reaction later revealed to be him throwing suspicion on George to clear his name and lower the party's guard. During this, Persephone runs back to the market to check the crates and finds bones buried in some of them. She brings one of them back to the cemetery in a hurry, to ensure everyone has this potentially vital information. Eventually, after much questioning, intimidation, and clever word-play, George runs from the party but is tackled to the ground by Hiraeth. Three guards arrive at the gates of the cemetery just as this happens and take advantage of the lack of attention the party is paying, due to their assumed victory. Two of these guards are later revealed to also be zombies, being controlled by another, still unknown force.   Jack takes Betty into the Church to "calm her down" while the party investigate the graves and George is carried off, along with the crate of bones, by the guards. As Hiraeth goes to question Betty on where one might hide the missing Headstones and Coffins, she finds her neck snapped on the church steps and Jack nowhere to be seen. Betty is resurrected as a zombie and Hiraeth is forced to beat her to death before she runs back outside and warns the rest of the group. At this stage, she takes off after the guards to warn them about what they have with them. As she sees two of the guards with George in a road, standing still, she realises why there were four empty graves and where the corpses that were unaccounted for went. One of the Guards is stabbed to death by the other and he and George carry his corpse into another alley. Hiraeth follows and realises the trap, just too late, as a familiar Skeletal Minotaur charges her from the other side of the street. She suffers a wound but escapes to warn the others of the imminent threat. When all three of them arrive at the scene, they find it empty of the zombies and skeletons.   The party rushes to the marketplace and warns the guards, who immediately raise awareness and spread the word. The merchants stay put and await the morning's attack, prepared to evacuate at a moments notice. After purchasing some supplies that may help them in the upcoming fight, the group heads to the nearest tavern to bed down for the night and prepare.   Will the attack occur in the morning? Will the force present be enough defence? Will Zerkur arrive?   The questions are piling up and confusion spreads as the pieces of an enormous puzzle are revealed. Will the party be able to put it together in time to protect those in danger, or will this strange force complete its abstract goal first?

Rewards Granted

  • Spell Scroll (Remove Curse)
  • Spell Scroll (Cause Fear)
  • Spell Scroll (Poison Spray)
  • Strange Doll
  • Potion of Fire Breath

Character(s) interacted with

  • Saltmarsh Arcane Salesman
  • Betty
Report Date
10 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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