History of Yak'koli Document in Ethnis | World Anvil

History of Yak'koli

Yak'koli is the center point of it, the crucial keystone of the entire enterprise. A ventricle Coral shaped and reinforced by a long dwindled population of Verin descendant of exiles of the defunct house Luchrei of the Vadakendanic Procession.

Before History

(Prehistory) Coral Forms

Ventricle Coral is a species of Furrow Coral, which is a species of Jhoutaioan Coral, which does not require constant liquid submergence to grow, and which constitutes a majority of Jhoutai's surface landmass. Like furrow corals, which is also common in Kajh-Tai, Ventricle Coral creates long subterranean canyons as it grows. Unlike standard furrow coral, Ventricle Coral separates itself into chambers connected by canals to form a series, and store water that soaks in through flooding and the natural osmosis of water through it.

During the Vadakendanic Procession

Yak'koli Ventricle Uncapped

A Procession Acolyte Cult discovers the Yak'koli ventricle and carefully uncaps it, carving an oculus out of the roof and moving the crystal down to ground level to build a temple around.

Sage Library Built

Underneath the Fallen Chandelier, a library is built containing the knowledge of the Acolytes and the Fallen Chandelier, It has an elevator down through the fallen chandelier and into the lower ventricle.

The site is closed

In the waning days of the procession, the wisdom of the library is entombed deep under ground and the elevator shaft is sealed. The sages leave, to prevent the site from being found by the growing movements of rogue Sazashi burning down Verin sites.

The Procession Falls

Revolution, the mainland empire of the Vadakendanic Procession falls.

As an Outlander Settlement

Ventricle Rediscovered

Kataioan scouts of the newly formed Kajh-Tai Falguthon surveyed the Aridian to discover the Ventricle, which is connected to a larger system and retains some water for up to months after a monsoon.

Converted to Cistern Dam

Kajh-Tai funds backfilling the Corralums with cement to seal the bottom of the ventricle to turn it into a dam to provide water to all the outlying farmlands along the outer shell.

The Pathogen Arrives

The Glistering Pathogen takes a while to penetrate this far inland, but its global effects nearly turn the whole region into a ghost city.

The Capital is Moved

With the old capital in shambles after the Pathogen, Kajh-Tai is siezed by a new family, slavery is legalized, and the capital is moved.

As a Port Town

Valuser'rh Pays Its Debts

Valuser'rh leaned heavily on Kajh-Tai during the Pathogen, recruiting from its ranks to protect the interests of the state and to enforce quarantines and eradicate its undead. Both Kajh-Tai and Valuser'rh took careful ledger of what had been sent and what was due, and Kajh-Tai did extremely well for itself as an outcome.

  • Right to pillage the Neganani Coast
  • A multi-year revenue percentage of the Valuser'ran GDP
  • Eased regulations over the amount of Sunmetal allowed in a device
  • New routes of trade and travel across the Valuser'ran heartland, to the eastern half of the continent and all of the included slave markets

With newfound wealth and indentured labor, Kajh-Tai drafted plans for an expansion

Slave trade reaches Yakkoli

With wealth came slavery. Few residents of the past had owned any, and hardly any more than one — more than likely victims of trafficking than actual criminals. It was not a beloved practice, but it was difficult to muster enough of a force to challenge it.

It should be known that much of Yak'koli is a product of forced labor. The hands which kept the warehouses active all bore the Mark of Exile on the back, with the name of their master below that. Corralums were explored and backfilled by the unwilling and the sacrificial. It wasn't until the Advent that this ended.

Undersea Construction Begins

As part of a period of great growth after settling Kajh-Tai's capital at the head of the [Can't find my notes] bay, Kajh Tai decided to take on a massive undertaking project to build a set of waterways, locks, and canals through the furrow and ventricle Coral heart of the desert at the heart of their land. While it would be a marvel to create, it would allow the capital an additional access to the sea that isn't boxed in by their (then less than friendly) eastern neighbors, as well as bringing water for settlements into the rest of Kajh-Tai.

Undersea Reaches Yak'koli

Undersea extends to the Yakkoli ventricle: Compiling the great efforts of many scouts and wildlings, Kajh-Tai charted a course through the desert, excavating canals and building canals connecting water-retaining furrows together to create a steady flow of water. An undersea.

Pirate Colony Forms

Pirates and outlanders form a colony on top of the ventricle, where the ramscorpions are, they're the ones who come down in airships originally. So mostly daring pirates.

2034 Fallen Chandelier is the Midport of the Undersea

Fallen Chandelier becomes a critical port along the midway of Undersea. Cargo can be moved to the surface via platforms and airships can transport it away. The city begins growing faster than it has space for.

As a Major City

Straining Infrastructure

Leaks and dam breaks have become commonplace, and are ruining the reputation of Yak'koli. Something must be done.

The Grand Mall is Constructed
Lower City Built. Starting with the grand mall and sprawling outwards
The Mariner's District is Founded

For those sailors and adventurers who spurn the prohibition laws in effect in the Grand Mall, the Mariner's district sets up shop on the other side of the

Yak'koli Goes to War With Pirates

The war ends with a surrender from the pirates, who submit to the rule of the city, though gangs remain as holdouts.

Reinforcement of the outer wall

Kajh-Tai saw an influx of Hiserabi slaves and Verin internments. Both were put to work fortifying the eastern wall of the Ventricle, which is exterior facing and thus more prone to heat-leaching by the sun making it fragile. Physical laboroers were put to work building scaffolding, and supports for the project. Falls were their leading cause of death, followed by rutas, who often took up residence in the meandering corralum tunnels. They had to kill the rutas. They had to scrape and mine out all the corralum growth and leave bare ventricle Coral behind. To ensure they did a good job, Yak'koli made them live in the wall they were reinforcing.

The Local Masons Chapter Forms
Among the Verin were several ancient Masons who taught the Yak'koli Psiolic Masons how to emulate the porous ventricle coral in the clay recasts they were filling the spaces in with their magic. And how to press the fossil into stone bands and forms to form a hyper dense support skeleton for Yak'koli to last forever. Their names aren't known. The Kajh Monoliths who cast the spells are, though. They're carved into it's internal face, looking down towards the port and channel, looming in the sunglow mists which swirl around in the mote of noonday sun peering down through the oculus.
University Row is Founded

The Masons and Architects form University Row in the Mall

Mazzu arrives in University Row

Mazzu arrives in University row to study the geography of the land

Mazzu's Dive

Mazzu eventually discovers the hourglass and his acolytes watch in baited breath as he uses his magic airplanes to ride the wind down a thousand times before finally one day saying "I'm off. Wish me luck." And cutting his line to plummet into the abyss

Mazzu's Return

Mazzu returns a couple months later, wandering in from the desert with tales of glowing tunnels of resin and of verin ruins

The underground becomes an aspirant destination

Teams make expeditions down to see what Mazzu was talking about. Some are large, some are small, many bring back Amberchrys for show and candy follows

It becomes a renowned cite

During The Advent Era

4281 Aempis Invents Radio Technology
4300 The Cascadian Union Discovers Jhoutai

Humanity encounters its first WayHall at the L3 Lagrange point of Earth and Sol. After mounting several expeditions through to the other side, they finally make it through and discover a well-populated world. They carefully fly high above it, searching for radio and other signals, before finally making contact with one of the nations, Aempis.

4311 The Cascadian Union Makes First Contact

As the only country with developed radio communication, Aempis is the first to be reached out to by the Cascadian Union, and first contact is initiated with Aempis.

4325 First Contact is Announced

The Cascadian Union and Aempian Empire announce that they made first contact 14 years prior and have been in discussion ever since. They introduce themselves to each other's worlds with messages of peace and prosperity, and a cross-planet dialog begins.

By the calendar of the Cascadian Union, the year is 2185

4325 Immediate Tension

Militaries on both sides of the Wayhall ramp up at the realization of such unknown powers on the other side. The Cascadian Union and Aempis become targets for the ire of other world powers, and steep polticing follows.

4328 The Adventine Treaty

In order to deescalate tensions, Aempis champions an agreement that nations of both sides may send scientists and other truth seekers to each other's world to learn about them. This became the Adventines — countries sent their brightest and finest to Jhoutai and Earth respectively, and began to learn about each other.

4335 Dana Chou Arrives in Yakkoli

Dana Chou of Seattle arrives in Yak'koli as a member of the 1st Adventine Expedition on behalf of the Cascadian Union and under sponsorship of the Aempian Empire to survey the Ecology of the Kajh-Tai Region.

Dana is managed by the Aempian scientist, Kelma Densdaya tor Nalati tel Metkrah. Her primary host is Gar'rig Sundancer tel Yak'koliUrvatk.

It was originally supposed to be just a few-year sprint.

4337 Stirrings of War

The mix of cultures may result in a glut of wonderful ideas passing back and forth between worlds, but it scares those in power, who want first hand on the various technologies and sciences which the Union and the Empire are benefitting from. The Union indicates that it wishes to retract from Jhoutai, which will leave Aempis in a vulnerable position with Valuser'rh.

4338 Advent war begins

The Union claims a need to break the Adventine treaty, and Aempis attacks Earth with unexpected force and fervor, bringing to bear an impressive amount of Gods and Artifacts that had till-then been kept away from the eyes of Humans to underplay the strength of the Meta.

The Advent War begins.

Local humans are stranded with no option to move home. It will be over fifteen years before they have the chance to return to Earth, by which time many have lost family there and made family here. Many will assimilate into Yak'koli, and have Jhoutaioan lineages which continue to this day.

Dana Chou is one of the stranded Adventines.

Riots in University Row

One of the streets of Academy Row is collapsed on the students by the headmaster of the Yakkoli University, putting an end to an academic riot

Advent War Ends
Psiotronics are invented

By combining the strengths of Jhoutaioan Imbuistry and Human Computing, Valuserran scientists usher in a new era of technology for Jhoutai. The benefits do not distribute evenly across the world.

During The Bannercasting

The YU Acquires Pre-Advent Earth Artifacts

The Yak'koli University Acquires the David and the Docent

Rise of the Apple of Hedon
The Apple of Hedonism rises in the East.
Anchaemo Index is Discovered

The Tower Spoke to Anchaemo Index is recovered from Tower Palace, and for the first time since the Advent a wayhall route to a new world is found.

Verin Exodus from Jhoutai Begins

A massive exodus of Verran people leave to Anchaemo.

A majority of Verin remain, but more than enough leave to start a new world.

The Valuselu Pact is Signed

Spurred by the exodus of Verin and the fear of retaliation by a forming power, the nations of Jhoutai sign a fresh addition to the ValuSelu Pact, globalizing many industries and laws. Among them is the establishment of IdPari zones and the abolution of slavery.

The Pact is a valiant attempt by the diplomats of many nations to reconcile thousands of years of war, apartheid, genocide, and the sins which states commit in search of power and survival. Still, there are old prejudices baked into the agreement, and an eternal vye for power between Aempis and Valuser'rh.

Earth is Abandoned

The Pact ceases all operations on Earth, abandoning the aristocratic powers living there to the mercy of rising Earthling rebellions

The Barrens is Established

In keeping with the Pact, Yakkoli must provide resources for IdPari self-exiles.

Formation of the Order of the Lotus

Hedon reaches Yak'koli in the form of the Order of the Lotus. They move into Fissure Hollow, a plot of land they were able to secure because they managed to get a geosurvey to confirmed that the space was stable to build in without harming the wall.

During The Melancholic Lacuna

As A Psiotronics Manufacturing Hub

Nobody expected confectioners to be the one to kick the world back into gear after the Lacuna, but they were the ones who realized that, with enough tempering, Amberchrys can become a strong enough crystal to be used for Imbuistry.

This alternative source of materials—something that could be grown and farmed—made all the difference.

Yakkoli becomes a PsioTronic Hub

With its whole investment into colonial mining absolutely wiped off calendar by the Lacuna, the Pact needed to find a source of crystal to feed its ever-growing hunger for Psiotronics. They were desperate for solutions, and the Headmaster of the University had an auspicious suggestion. The Amberchrys, he explained, could be folded and tempered into the perfect shape with the recent

Locals realize that amberchrys can be perfectly refined into usable psiotronics with recent adaptations

The discovery of amberchrys application in psiotronics turned the amber into a heavily wanted resource, and outside investors arrived and built offices in the cheapest parts of Yakkoli -- the upper district/sunwall -- from which they could begin to buy up and use this valuable resource.

In Modern Times

Infrastructural Concerns

In modern times, one of the great infrastructural concerns is that bad water dispersal by Yak'koliThar (upper Yak'koli, above ground), caused by bad zoning of floor runoff, has caused certain parts of the ventricle to become under saturated and frail. The additional weight around the oculus is also cause for concern.

The Pure of Heart is Chosen

Leveraging IdPari laws and the definition of Sophont, the order of the lotus is able to create a safe haven for Androids and other Sophontic entities in Fissure Hollow, a plot of land they were able to secure because they managed to get a geosurvey to confirmed that the space was stable to build in without harming the wall.

Urvatk Collapse

Pushed to a breaking point by the re-expansion

You have a nightmare

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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