Crook Crag Settlement in Erthos | World Anvil

Crook Crag

As seen in
It was the first settlement of man to appear in the beginning years of Erthos. Originally it was a trading post where humans bartered with each other to survive in the new world but soon it was overtaken by rogues and thieves. It still functions as a mercantile town where a person can find anything they want but the guilds of rogues run its streets. While they do oppose one another they have been known to come together in order to accomplish tasks. One of which was the slavery of the dwarven people. This allowed the town to grow in strength and goods for several hundred years but eventually, the dwarves fought for their freedom.


Humans are the majority of the populace, with a smaller population of elves, dwarves, and hodrim.   Most of the non-humans are slaves to humans, although there are free elves and half-elves. Freed Half-elves or elves have their ears clipped to denote their status.


Loose alliance between Guilds who rule the streets. They are constantly trying to gain power over one another but keep a tentative peace by means of a council of the strongest guilds.   In total there are 5 guilds who sit on the table and 5 more who are trying to gain recognition.


Illuvar are the standing army that enforces peace between the guilds.   Guilds all have strong compounds that they protect with their own defences.

Industry & Trade

Anything can be found in the city of Crook Crag. Slavery is a big part of their industry and trade.


Largest shipyard in the realm: used by pirates and merchants.

Guilds and Factions

Darzeer Guild : Known for their information brokering. They sell secrets from one guild to another.   Incretes Guild : A guild of mercenaries that is known to take any job around the world. They often overcharge the inhabitants of Crook Crag for their services.   Aleya Guild The guild controls the gambling houses of the city and also the horse races.   Drachan Guild Most of the pirates of Crook Crag are members of this guild.   Muhara Guild Known for their assassins and rogues, this guild is one of the oldest in the city.   Driada Guild A guild that is consists of eight mages. While all the other guilds employ a mage or two, this guild is often hired when a specific skill is needed.


Crook Crag was formed as a trading post in 46 AM, originally under the name Lake Edge. The Clerics of Hialta "Spirit of Laws and Civilization  started to form the society, but during its formative years, it was overtaken by agents of Chaos. They introduced the criminal agents to the land and the guilds and unscrupulous people began to take control. The Table was formed in the year 110 and began to rule over the town.   In the year 123, they began the invasion of the town of Bergen, a dwarven community that was not ready for them. Still, the dwarves put up a good fight and held off the rogues of the enemy town for a year. Once they were defeated they were used as the first slave force of Crook Crag, mining materials and helping to build the city up.  

Dwarven Freedom:

During the year 250 AM, the dwarves managed to fight for their independence and win it. After that, the forces of Crook Crag were greatly weakened and infighting among the guilds managed to limit their influence over the outside world.    

The Submerging:

On the 7th day of the Red Moon in the year 437, a giant lake appeared that was in the Village of Sojarr was teleported to Crook Crag. The Drachan Guild was effectively wiped out except for a few ships that were out on the ocean at the time.


Sits just by the Vortex lake, two rivers snake out and form three pieces of land that the city sits on.


  • Crook Crag Year 437
  • Crook Crag (after the Submerging)
    In the Red Moon of the year 437, a lake that was in the Village of Sojarr appeared in the northern section of the city.

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