The Sleepy Ne'er-do-well Building / Landmark in Erthos | World Anvil

The Sleepy Ne'er-do-well

A small inn that sits in the Darzeer Guild section of the city. It is known to be a safe haven for those who need a private place to sleep. There are a variety of rooms in the inn that can suit the needs of the clients.   One such room is the Quiet room, used for information extraction from enemies. Some guilds bring their enemies here so they can not be tied back to the guild and start an incident with other guilds. The inn is allowed to operate as a neutral territory with a rule of anonymity that is unbroken. At the creation, Boris hired several powerful mages to ward the inn from all manners of spells.


While it seems like this inn does not get many clients but it is probably the most respected inn in Crook Crag

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