Half-Orc Species in Emicara | World Anvil


Half-Orcs are not as uncommon as the Church of the One Sun would like. They are tolerated within most human communities, but still looked down upon as tainted by their mixed birth. Half-orcs are typically shunned by the orcs as well, viewed as weak or otherwise diminishing the purity of the tribe. Halfbreeds can advance in either society, however, and are used to doing what needs to be done to fit in.  

Half-Orcs in D&D Fifth Edition

  For the creation of a half-orc character in Emicara, use the character creation and statistics for half-orcs as listed in the Player's Handbook. 

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-orcs typically take on the same naming traditions as the dominant race or people living in whatever nation they happen to be born in.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Half-orcs are often raised on human, but most know at least a little bit of Orcish, even if raised by predominantly human parents. Some exceptions of course exist to this in places where the Orcish language may be suppressed, but for the most part, it makes its way down through the families' histories.


Half-orcs are primarily the result of the Jakonian Empire's years of expansion and conquest. During these wars and conflicts, orc tribes would often be hired by mercenaries from the mountains to fight the encroaching Jakonians and their legions. The mercenaries often would intermingle with human societies more rather than living their somewhat insular lives, and half-orcs would be the result. They are somewhat common in areas all around the Apps Mountains, regardless of kingdom or political system.   In lands ruled by monarchs that follow the Church of the One Sun, half-orcs are frequently spurned and kept out of larger society. They are not technically deemed abominations or monsters, but they can rarely find a place in society outside of brute labor or serving within the military. It is nearly impossible for them to advance in society, and for this reason, half-orcs and half-elves rarely get along due to the very different nature of their existence within these kingdoms.   In Populres, however, half-orcs have a very different experience. They are able to move around outside of the normal caste systems and avoid the slavery that most humans would face in that land. Half-orcs actually can lead a very comfortable existence in the main towns and cities of Populres, and have the most social mobility of any other race in that nation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
70 years
Average Height
6 - 7 ft
Average Weight
180 - 210 lbs

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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