Populresi Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Populresi are probably one of the broadest ethnicities, applying to humans, halfbreeds, goblins, orcs, dragonkin, and demonkin alike. The people of the Kingdom of Populres are some of the most stringent when it comes to maintaining proper social classes. There is a clear order to Populresi society, a caste system that is considered sacred to everyone within. The castes are based upon races, and it is plain that one should never step outside of their proper role. Those who do are promptly cut down, and if they're lucky, only executed. Demonkin are at the top of the chain, as the rulers and leaders of the nation. Dragonkin soon follow, holding positions of generals and high bureaucrats and leadership. Orcs and goblins find themselves as the free rank and file, with the most opportunities available to them throughout the kingdom. Lastly, you have humans and halfbreeds, who are mandated as slaves within Populresi, forced to serve their betters in the most menial of tasks and labors.    Those consider themselves to be Populresi typically take their names from whatever race they happen to be. Each race has its own naming patterns and types, which varies wildly depending upon the person. Still, among goblins and orcs an unique naming pattern has emerged, influenced both by their own past and by the various cultures they have met along the way. Many times the humans under their rule take on similar naming patterns, particularly when their families and ancestors have been Populresi slaves for several generations.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Shaz, Zem, Dhuf, Kof, Rogzim, Bhuadim, Niwnkau, Rhiethryeng, Haomvaaz, Shulvaf

Masculine names

Dhug, Bror, Doll, Zukk, Dhazag, Mugzar, Agob, Bhabror, Rhuggak, Zundob

Family names

The Populresi rarely use proper family names as they would be considered in other kingdoms. The upper classes and noble houses make a big deal about their own houses and names, but this rare among the majority of the population. Slaves do not rate such treatment, while goblins and orcs rarely see the point. On occasion, a goblin or orc may earn a surname from their deeds or inherent traits, but this does not pass on to their descendants.


Major language groups and dialects

Members of the Populresi speak an immensely wide variation of languages and dialects. Every orc and goblin clan has its own phrases and slangs, while the slaves come from all across Emicara. Similarly, the dragonkin and demonkin have their own languages, which further add to the chaotic nature of the Populresi. For all of these people, the languages and their dialects are vastly different from where they're spoken elsewhere, but communication remains possible, and Common is frequently used as the traders' language, as well as to communicate instructions to slaves.

Art & Architecture

The artwork of the Populresi emerges primarily from the demonkin and upper castes of their society. They are the ones with the leisure time and money to splurge on learning the techniques of fine art. Most of Populresi artwork is usually a decade or two behind the tastes of lands further south, as it takes some time for modern fashion to make its way north. Among the lower castes, the most popular form of expression is music. Rythemnic music played with drums and woodwind instruments are by far the most popular, usually accompanied by singing. The type of music depends on the caste, as the slaves prefer working songs that help keep pace, while the orcs and goblins prefer war chants.    The construction of Populresi towns is always with the defense of the community in mind. Every town, village, and city is a fortification in itself, with multiple defensive positions and lines. Decades of warfare with the unending undead hordes of the north have led to persistent precautions taken to prevent them from overrunning the kingdom. Similarly, defenses against human raids from Recfrere are always kept in mind when they have an aggressive monarch.


Gender Ideals

Among the upper castes, gender is really no object to advancement or career progression. Men and women alike, presuming that they are dragonkin or demonkin, are free to pursue whatever chosen vocation they would like. Among the lower castes, this changes dramatically. Orc and goblin females are expected to stay at home in peace time, and produce as many children as possible to fill the ranks of society. During war time, they are just as expected to lead the charge against the enemies of the Populresi. At all times, the male orcs and goblins are soldiers and taskmasters, keeping an eye on the slave castes and preventing them from rising up. The slave castes, however, the males are constantly put to work as laborers, while captured women are expressly used for breeding more slaves. Mortality rates are known to be substantially higher among female than male slaves.

Relationship Ideals

It is widely considered to be bad taste in Populresi society to attempt to make friends or other relations with those below your station. Friendships are meant to be among equals, not with inferiors. There is little interaction between castes beyond business, and this is strictly enforced by society. Occasionally odd relationships will form, but usually only among those who have seen battle together or traveled away from the kingdom. Otherwise, so long as it is within your caste, the type of relationship you have is irrelevant to your peers.


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