Jakonian Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


For centuries, the Jakonian culture was the dominant one over all of Emicara. Their ways and traditions were spread with the extent of the empire. That empire has since declined, but the hallmarks of Jakonian tradition remain within their heartland upon the peninsula. Jakonians believe in a strictly ordered society with clear castes and systems established through moving through them. They treasure the bureaucrat as much as the general or politician. They also are highly militaristic and training in martial styles of combat begins often as a small child for upper and middle class members of society. The Jakonians have led the world in military tactics and training, and are typically the most skill of the human kingdoms in combat. Their social roles are incredibly strict, but they tend to grow more lenient the further away from the Imperial City and the Fruitlands, which are the beating heart of Jakonian power and culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Lilias, Amelia, Selina, Rosalind, Amy, Marion, Rosina, Adelaide, Cordelia, Rachel

Masculine names

Ephraim, Matthew, Martin, Charlie, Clifford, Nicholas, Philip, Angus, Bertram, Hyman

Family names

Lynds, Semmens, Rosewall, Flagg, Northway, Bing, Davis, Kestle, Temby, Williams


Major language groups and dialects

The Jakonian language has become so prevalent across the world that it is universally referred to as the Common tongue. Though the people of the Mersan Union claim that the language originated with them, all scholars and historians know the truth, that the Jakonian tongue was spread by conquest. The dialect of the Jakonians themselves is believed to be the correct way of speaking the language, and they know it all too well. There are some divergences among Jakonians themselves, and leaving the Imperial City can lead to surprising changes, especially in the southern towns and cities like Capcora, Refuge, and Liberty.

Art & Architecture

Jakonian artwork set the milestones for the rest of the world for nearly the past two centuries. Paintings, statues, and artwork of all other types originated in the Imperial City and spread across the world. The Jakonians proudly take credit for much of this, but the truth is that many of these artworks were done by enslaved other cultures or migrants who came to the Imperial City from the provinces of the Empire. Native Jakonian artwork is more truly found in their methods of fighting and combat. Tactics and strategy are the best works of the Jakonian, and many masters of games such as chess have hailed from their lands.


Gender Ideals

Jakonian society's greatest hallmark is the absolute strictness of its social rules. This applies heavily towards gender relationships and growth. Men have the most freedom of all within the Jakonian Empire and serve in all roles, but thanks to the wealth of food and growth, women are expected solely to be the bearers of children. They are offered no freedom of movement, and it is illegal for a woman to travel throughout the city streets without the escort of a man. Women have very few legal rights within Jakonia, and no real chance at upward movement except through marriage. These rules are less strict in the Villages and among the halflings, and outside of the Fruitlands they are rarely enforced at all, and women have risen to prominent positions, but usually have to rely on their husbands to conduct any business within the Imperial City.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is very strictly defined in Jakonian society as being between a man and a woman, but in some cases, polygamy has been allowed due to infertility or other issues. Once married however, a man is plainly expected to provide for his wife and any offspring and harsh penalties exist for those who fail in this task, up to and including imprisonment. Beyond this limited protection, women can expect the law to do very little for them, and they are expected to remain subservient to the man in any and all relationship decisions and changes. Homosexuality is strictly forbidden for women, but men are known to occasionally practice it with only mild condemnation from the Church of the One Sun. In terms of friendship, it is frowned upon by Jakonian society to befriend any of a nonhuman race, even dwarves and halflings. Other humanoids, or "subhumans" as they are often referred to, are considered tainted and most avoid relationships with those people, as they may refer to them. As with other social Jakonian rules, these fade away the further you get away from the Imperial City.


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