Losanan Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Losanan people reside in the lands in the westernmost part of the civilized portion of the Circle Sea. They are a free spirited people who were some of the last to be conquered by the Jakonian Empire. Although their kings have often tried to keep the trappings of the old empire as their right to rule, the people are much more down to earth about their beliefs. Losanans are known for good food, fine drinks, and how to keep up good spirits and fine mettle even in the worst of times.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Rosette, Lorraine, Arlette, Barbara, Betty, Colette, Hélène, Cora, Léïla, Leslie

Masculine names

Marc, Evariste, Dirk, Charly, Mathurin, Andoche, Vincent, Joévin, Fabrice, Zacharie

Family names

Labarre, Maillet, Thibault, Ory, Fournier, Barrilleaux, Lalande, Benoit, Breaux, Rommel


Major language groups and dialects

The Losanans primarily speak Losanan, despite over a century of Jakonian attempts to stamp it out. The Losanans have begrudgingly learned Common for most trade and commerce purposes, but many often speak with a unbearably thick accent that seems custom tailored to irritate Jakonians. There are some regional dialects when it comes to Losanan, as the people of Riveraineville speak with a more Common-influenced accent than those further inland plus they have brought in loan-words from Krahe, which is commonly spoken in that seaside trading city due to its large lizardfolk population.

Art & Architecture

Losanans love to paint and create art of all types. Murals are the main expression of artistic intent throughout much of Losana and the wooden buildings of their cities often have highly decorated exterior walls with murals of all types and sizes. These are made with special paints only available in Losana, creating cities and towns that exude color in all directions. Artists therefore receive ample work in Losanan communities, as everyone feels that a customized mural is what truly makes  a home a home.


Gender Ideals

The Losanans have very clear ideas on gender roles in society, but they are somewhat more open than other nations in the former Jakonian Empire. Typically men are expected to labor and lead, while women are considered best fit for household duties. Where this differs from other states, men are considered to be finer cooks, and overall more emotionally open than those in other states, while women are believed to have a far better connection to the arcane. Therefore some of the finest Losanan scholars are female, while many home servants and workers are male.

Relationship Ideals

Losanans believe there is no relationship better than a fine love, regardless of how long it may last or who it is with. Platonic friendships are rare, and most Losanans would ask, "Why bother?" Marriage is still a sacred thing to the Losanans, but more for the growth of family and states than for the long term comfort of a single individual. Affairs are common among Losanans, but they are also seen as less shameful than they would be in other cultures. The Losanans have a very free and open environment for anything in the sexual sphere, so long as it is done solely for the purpose of leisure and not as an expression of dominance or power.


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