House Gagnon Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

House Gagnon

House Gagnon is a Losanan family which once aspired to far greater heights than it has fallen upon in recent years. Begun as a trading family of merchants, it is said that their house were the original founders of the town of Maud Traversee, and were responsible for the creation of the original overland routes into the heart of the kingdom. Truth of the matter aside, they have recently entered into hard times, suffering with the reopening of shipping along the Sypi River. One of the strongest opponents of the operation, they were overruled by the monarchy and the Church, and were branded as borderline heretics and rebel sympathizers as the campaign grew in momentum. Despite being loyal members of the faith and aristocracy, they never recovered from these accusations and have failed to gain any support, financial or political, as the wealth of the trade caravans through their lands began to dry up.

Public Agenda

For several years the primary political of the family was to prevent the clearing of the Sypi River and the City of Webs for shipping. These efforts proved in vain, and they have since come into disrepute due to the fallout from their efforts. The family continues to support the monarchy, almost fanatically, attempting to dispel the rumors that were spread about them. They have attempted to keep a low profile, and are simply attempting to regain face among their peers.


The Gagnon family owns ample lands, including the actual roads and paths around the town of Maud Traversee. These lands used to generate ample income, especially from the road tolls that allowed passage through the Dread Bayou. The income from these routes has greatly diminished, and the roads have begun to cost more to maintain than they generate in profits. The vaults of the family have been slowly draining, and they have continued to put on pretensions of their wealth. They have less and less gold to offer their employees, and have begun to trend towards hiring discount mercenaries and local militias to guard their roads and protect their assets.

Coin Floats in the Bayou

Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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