Nasite Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Nasites are those who reside in what is currently the northernmost province of the extant Jakonian Empire. The Nasites were some of the first conquered by the Jakonians and they have been a constant state of unrest ever since. The Nasites are politically very active, constantly attempting to undermine and resist against Jakonian rule. The legacy of the Nasites are a people who have been persistently oppressed and overwhelmed by their neighbors and they have constantly had to fight to preserve their traditions and culture. To an extent they have succeeded, but now their culture is best known for unruliness and unrest against those who rule them.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Judit, Isabel, Valentina, Mariam, Maria, Nadia, Noa, Ana, Cloe, Jennifer

Masculine names

Daniel, Liam, Salvador, Iago, Antonio Jose, Jon, Aritz, Enrique, Thiago, Aimar

Family names

Ferreiro, Sanhueza, Pescador, Villegas, Camarero, Márquez, Zaragoza, Gistaín, Velázquez, Contador


Major language groups and dialects

The Nasites' old language, if they ever had one, has long since disappeared underneath centuries of Jakonian rule, and Common is now the spoken tongue of the land. There are some mild variations in naming and dialect that are holdovers from the old days of independence, but they exist in names only. Some slang occasionally emerges, but in the cities, any sort of acknowledgement of the old heritage of the Nasites is quickly stamped down upon by Jakonian authorities. For the most part, Nasites have had to rely on other languages such as Halflingi, Elvish, or Dwarvish to communicate covertly.

Art & Architecture

The Nasites have provided much to both cuisine and music over the centuries, primarily taken credit for by the Jakonians. The Nasites have never lost sight of their own achievements, and have made much out of what little they have been given. Their artwork and literature have produced some of the most anti-authoritarian works that have ever emerged in Emicara, and they have given birth to many political minds and thinkers.    In terms of architecture, most of the Nasite towns are forced to mimic the architecture and design of the Jakonians, who prefer standardization of their colonies. Tall buildings of stone and brick are the norm, but the Nasites do tend to leave a mark upon the norm of the Jakonians. Specifically, the large amount of graffiti that adorn the Jakonian establishments built in Nasite territory. The graffiti is typical anti-Jakonian in nature, but some it is true works of artistry. Those are usually done in remote areas and are meant to inspire Nasites to resistance or simply provide them with a beautiful view.


Gender Ideals

On the surface the Nasites obey all of the same gender related laws and traditions that the Jakonians do, at least in lands ruled by the Empire. In fact, they are often enforced even more strictly in Nasite regions. When freed, however, these laws are substantially looser, and the Nasites actually have many fables and stories of past queens and female rulers who once led resistance against the Jakonians. As Jakonians regularly draft, imprison, or execute Nasite men, it often falls to the women to lead their families and organize resistance. The women are truly the leaders of the Nasite people, although they often have to hide behind the facade of a male leadership.

Relationship Ideals

The Nasites have gained some influence from the Jakonians in their views on relationships, as much as they are loathe to admit it. They are very strictly monogamous and believe firmly that marriage and love relationships belong solely between a man and a woman. Where the Nasites depart from the Jakonians is a greater respect and admiration for humanoids of other types beyond human. In many cases, Nasites have sought help from nonhumans in their wars of resistance and rebellion, and a nonhuman can always expect a warm welcome in a Nasite household.


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