Demonkin Species in Emicara | World Anvil


Demonkin live nearly exclusively in the Kingdom of Populres. Their monstrous heritages and appearances make them unwelcome in the Civilized Lands and the Shin Empire. Large communities have grown to exist of Demonkin in Populres, and they have formed their own independent subculture within the “monster kingdom.” Demonkin are best known in Populres for their cunning and ability to manipulate regional politics, integrating well into communities of other so-called "monsters." They are often sent out as ambassadors or negotiators to other kingdoms in attempts to intimidate them to future treaties.  

Demonkin in D&D Fifth Edition

  Demonkin use the same statistics and character creation tools as the ones provided for tieflings in the Player's Handbook. The alternatives for tieflings offered in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes are not provided for in the backgrounds and religions of this setting. Do not let that discourage the use of those methods, but alternative gods and patrons may have to be determined, most likely based from the Populres Pantheon.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Demonkin take on exotic names that reflect their heritage. Their names often sound extremely strange to the people of the south, and that's just the way the Demonkin like it. The Demonkin's first names are often odd and unique, but their surnames will reflect the noble house or clan to which they are associated. The majority of Demonkin are considered nobility or aristocracy in Populres, and therefore it is a distinct honor to be associated with one of the seven following surnames. The vast majority of this race have one of the following surnames: Zherlius, Karchar, Zerthos, Aetmong, Salira, Maleakas, or Kyakas.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Demonkin language, known as Infernal by the people of the south, is the language of the aristocracy and trade within Populres. They use it in negotiations and in attempts to intimidate outside powers. Otherwise, it is spoken in the home and among the upper classes, even those who are not Demonkin.


The Demonkin are said to have originally been the descendants of humans that lived in the far north, regions beyond the civilized borders of the kingdoms of Emicara. At some critical point in the past they ended up fighting wars against demons in their homeland, a fight that led to the mutations of their people. Those who survived the conflicts had to flee their homes, which were left ruined and destroyed at the hands of their enemies. Experienced with years of war and combat under their belt, the demonkin arrived in Populres, where they fought the orcs and dragonkin for a stake in the new nation. They triumphed in these conflicts as well, establishing themselves as the dominant political race in their new home.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 years
Average Height
5 - 6 ft
Average Weight
140-160 lbs


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