Nanoot Species in Emicara | World Anvil


Nanoots are the indigenous people of western Emeralia. Believed by Capcoran scholars and biologists to have been descended at some point from humans, they have reverted to a primitive, nearly luddite lifestyle. Capable of creative ambushes and cunning traps, they have learned to make use of the remnants of the old world and the growth of nature in a strange combination of the two. They typically shun the use of magic and fire alike, relying on what can be created from basic herbalism and scavenging in the wilds.  

Nanoots in D&D Fifth Edition

  Your nanoot character has the following traits. A few of the traits give you a choice; consider how your choice reflects the purpose for which your character was built.   Age. Nanoots have surprisingly long lifespans, and tend to live more healthily than average humans, reaching full biological maturity at age 16, and living nearly ninety years if not killed by some outside factor.   Alignment. Nanoots rarely have much involvement with laws, and thus are typically chaotic creatures, but run the gamut between good and evil, depending on tribe and upbringing.   Size. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Superior Darkvision. You have darkvision up to 120 feet.   Ability Score Increase. You gain +2 to your Strength and +1 to your Wisdom.   Expert Trackers. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill.   Magically Manipulated. As a relic of past spells and effects upon your race, you gain resistance to any spells of the transmutation school of magic. You have advantage on saving throws against any magic of this school.   Hunters of the Invisible. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the See Invisibility spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Nondetection spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells, which do not require components.   Languages. You can speak Common and Nanoot. Nanoots have only recently been introduced to Common, and your character likely would only have a rudimentary grasp of it as a language or none at all. Nanoots have no written language or literacy.

Basic Information


The typical nanoot possesses two arms and two legs, and are built similarly to a human, but have a more hunched appearance. Their ears are rounded, but they maintain a gaunt appearance akin to a malnorished elf. Dissection of the nanoots has revealed their bones maintain an odd appearance, seeming to exist in twisted and carved manners, almost in unnatural shapes themselves. Some nanoot bones even appear to have writing in something similar to Elven script, but translation just shows gibberish rather than any words or runes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nanoot reproduction seems to be roughly along similar lines to the majority of humanoids. The female carries the child of the male nanoot for roughly eight to nine months following conception. Mostly this involves a singular baby, but twins appear somewhat common among the nanoot tribes.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names among the nanoots are typically monosyllable creations, usually a single word. They rarely identify themselves through any sort of familial or clan names, and only when one achieves notoriety or fame do they gain a title. Exceptions are shamans and chiefs, who are typically referred to as "schaman" or "koneg," respectively.

Average Technological Level

Nanoots exist in a very primitive state by Emicaran standards. They have no permanent structures of their own design, use stone and wood tools, and possess little to no ranged weaponry. They have made a handful of innovations in the use of herbs as medicine and development, but only out of a dislike for the use of magical healing. These have similar developments in Emicara or are render meaningless by the use of magic.

Common Myths and Legends

The majority of nanoot stories from times past involve the terrorizing of their people by a group often referred to as the "boojefs." Often described similarly to elves, these creatures are the bogeymen of the many tales that the nanoots tell to scare their children and each other by the fires. The legends seem to indicate that these beings once enslaved and tortured the nanoots, ultimately driving them to find salvation in their current homeland.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The nanoots have an ingrained cultural hatred of elves and anything that appears kin to them. The mere sight of pointy ears is enough to cause some bands of nanoots to attack or flee without a second thought. This has made relationships with other species difficult, particularly due to the lack of interest of most nanoots in learning the languages of other races.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
90 years
Average Height
5 - 6 ft.
Average Weight
110 - 180 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Nanoots typically have a thin layer of fur over their skin, with exception of the area around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Variations in fur coloring seem to exist among different tribes and groups of nanoots, with the majority of those in the Port Brockett area being of orange coloring, but brown and black colored nanoots have been witnessed elsewhere. The fur is rarely styled, but instead typically sits somewhat flatly against the skin of the nanoot. Female nanoot fur is said to be somewhat softer than that of the male.
Geographic Distribution
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