Caroan Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


Caroans are best known to be the majority ethnic group within the Kingdom of Recfrere. They are primarily known for their love of freedom, and are incredibly independent spirited and enterprising. They are highly resistant to change or anything viewed as threatening to their way of life, and are quick to raise posses and militias to deal with any problems that threaten their communities. Uniqueness and innovation are the two standard hallmarks of Caroan ways of life, and inventors and entrepreneurs are lauded above all others. Many of the greatest inventors over the past two centuries have been Caroans.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Hevameih, Musoh, Celedro, Jhorroll, Zorme, Veh, Ishinoy, Athroy, Fethothi, Fazhoth

Masculine names

Reirer, Zakhan, Brucrern, Ruldorn, Sorgon, Val, Megron, Gran, Deraoku, Heom-Vues, Nivre

Family names

Khasse, Zumeil, Vunvarn, Daymaw, Dev, Miruv, Bradveth, Lun, Hojicram, Nuntheb


Major language groups and dialects

Caroans for the most part speak Common, which has spread from its original lands in Jakonia. It has gained a bit of regional flavor, however, through extensive use of idioms in regular conversation. For a Caroan, there's no reason to use a simple descriptor for a place, object, or person when you could couch it in flowery metaphorical terms. A good example of this would be "I'll be there faster than a saint on a biscuit." Sense and reason rarely have a place in Caroan speech patterns, which is typically confusing to visitors.

Culture and cultural heritage

Caroan culture is built around inventors and novel ideas. Innovative art and music is far more interesting to a Caroan than a skillfully done piece. The Caroan culture prides itself on adaptation and innovation, and a Caroan who brings something new into the world is treasured above all others.

Art & Architecture

Caroan architecture is much like its people, constantly innovating and changing with new designs. Due to this nature of the people, it is not uncommon for a town or community to have started construction in one style, only to change it up, halfway through the town's development. Brick, wood, and stone are used consistently throughout the various communities, and architectural styles change just as frequently. Many Caroans take pride in the unique natures of their homes and will often find some way to make their residence stand out among its neighbors.


Gender Ideals

Gender equality is a matter of some pride for Caroans, which sometimes comes at odds with their more traditional Jorgan neighbors to the south. Men and women alike are encouraged to pursue nearly any opportunities or careers they could possibly wish to follow. There are only a handful of roles that are considered traditionally belonging to one gender or another, such as child raising for women and mining for men. For the most part, however, anyone in Caroan lands can pursue nearly any goals they could desire.

Relationship Ideals

Caroans welcome nearly any expression of love or relationships. They believe firmly in having numerous friends and lovers, depending on an individual's personal preferences. It is generally expected that a Caroan will remain loyal to their close friends, which often takes priority over families, regardless of their composition. Families can take shape in a large number of ways, and marriages between multiple partners of all genders is welcomed within Caroan society.


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