Cotaw Tribe Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Cotaw Tribe

The Cotaws are one of the three founding tribes of the Sypi Confederacy. Today they are best known as providing the finest weapons and armor within Confederate lands. Although they are not prolific producers of arms, they are extremely high quality, as Cotaw artisans spend their entire lives crafting individual pieces of weapons or armor, learning new skills and training beyond that of most civilized workers. The Cotaw migrate across the Cotaw Plains, which have been named for them over the centuries.


The chief of the Cotaw Tribe is absolute leader of his people. He oversees any affairs and disputes among the families and clans of the tribe. He is also allowed to designate ambassadors and delegates to investigate and handle any issues that emerge that affect the tribe or the Confederacy as a whole. The position of chief has always been passed down from one chief to his eldest surviving son.

Public Agenda

The Cotaws have traditionally been neutral in most political affairs of the Sypi Confederacy, but they were enthusiastic participants in the conflict against the Sihka and the Church of the One Sun. Since the end of the civil war, the Cotaws have offered their full support for the High Chief, but rarely weigh in on any matters of substance. They argue for the continued neutrality of the Sypi Confederacy and the protection of the nation's borders.

Demography and Population

The Cotaw Tribe is entirely human, consisting of the descendants of those who first escaped from the Giant Lands to the west across the Sypi River. They are not unwelcoming to people of other tribes or races, but they expressly forbid those of outside origin to be involved in the crafting and production process of weapons or armor. Similarly, those who settle in among the tribe are never truly considered to be full Cotaws.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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