Mineter Tribe Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Mineter Tribe

The Mineter Tribe is said to have originally consisted of those who lived in towns in the area that became the Sypi Confederacy, who were beguiled by the freedom of the tribal lifestyle. They abandoned their towns and homes in favor of a nomadic existence, and now travel the Nors Highlands along the border with the Lewite Tribe and the Shin Empire. The Mineters were badly mauled during the Sypi Civil War, and today struggle to maintain any semblance of the life they once knew.


The Mineter tribe is led by a single chief with absolute power, often considered to be the greatest warrior of the tribe. Traditionally the tribe selected its leader by combat, with the mightiest warriors able to challenge the chief for authority. This practice was halted during the civil war, as the tribe has struggled to repair the damage done to it by years of fighting. The Mineters today are headed up by the chief and an appointed council that oversees all affairs that take place.

Public Agenda

The Mineters were devastated by the civil war, with nearly a third of the tribe killed in the fighting, making them the most heavily hit besides the all but destroyed Sihkas. The Mineters therefore have argued for peace and caution, but they also refuse to compromise and allow access to the Church of the One Sun. They believe that victory in the war was hard won, and that no gains or compromises should be made towards the enemies of the High Chief, but that vengeance should not be pursued outside of Confederate borders, as the land and people still need time to recover.

Demography and Population

The Mineter tribe consists entirely of Mineter humans, and it is today the smallest tribe in the Sypi Confederacy in terms of population. The devastation of the war has caused many Mineters to die or end up returning to sedentary life in the Confederate towns. Those who have remained are the most stubborn and dedicated to the nomadic lifestyle. The need to replenish the resources of the tribe have led to the Mineters becoming more accepting, allowing clans and families from other tribes to join with little difficulty or fanfare. This has led to a rise in ethnic and racial diversity within the tribe, as even a small amount of mountain dwarves from the north have begun integrating into their ranks.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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