Jeftra Tribe Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Jeftra Tribe

The Jeftras are considered unusual to many within the Sypi Confederacy. Unlike in other tribes, women rule the roost here, with a long established matriarchy and acting as a place for females from all races and nations to find a safe shelter. The society that has emerged is welcoming to any woman from across Emicara that is looking to escape from the societies or people they have fled. Their lands are nestled in the foothills of the Apps Mountains, and over the past twenty years they have continued to supplement their numbers with the admission of the remnants of a kobold tribe that survived the loss of the dragon they had formerly served.


The Jeftras have organized themselves under a hereditary matriarchy, that has passed from one chieftess to her chosen daughter since the tribe was formed. The Chieftesses are advised by a selected council of representatives from throughout the families of the tribes, each of which have their own traits and histories that lend well to providing the counsel needed to manage this society. The Chieftesses are allowed to appoint individual delegates from this council to handle any affairs directly, whether they are mediating disputes within the tribe or diplomacy with other tribes or nations.

Public Agenda

The Jeftra tribe is the loudest proponent for isolationism within the Sypi Confederacy, advocating that the borders be better protected, and that raiding come to a halt. They have frequently argued against the goblins and orcs, as well as the Bienombes, hoping to bring about an end to the constant violence along the borders. They have also called for the Confederacy to build closer ties with the Kingdom of Alsona, in the hopes of providing a new and stable trading partner.

Demography and Population

The Jeftra tribe includes predominantly the humans of the tribe, but they have actually grown to include a surprisingly multiracial society. This has included female orcs and goblins who have not felt comfortable with the ways of life of their tribes as the largest of these numbers. Also, they possess the only group of civilized kobolds in all of Emicara, having joined the tribe in the 1020s, and integrated themselves after the death of the dragon they had worshiped, at the hands of a party of adventurers.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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