Charki Tribe Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Charki Tribe

The Charki Tribe holds a place of pride within the Confederacy, as one of the three founding members along with the Wicka and Cotaw. They typically live and migrate within the Nors Highlands, along the border with the Lewite Tribe and Valtkos Wingo. They are well known for their self-proclaimed positions of protectors of nature and the animals and plants within.


The Charki Tribe are led by a Chief that oversees all affairs of the tribe, resolving any disputes and conflicts that cannot be handled at the individual or family level. They also are allowed to appoint special delegates or ambassadors to oversee any greater problems that can affect the tribe as a whole. The position of Chief is determined by a magical duel between the druids of the tribe, to determine who is the most blessed by nature. The conflict rarely is fought to the death, and is only determined upon the death of the previous chief. Only members of the Charki tribe are allowed to participate in the duel, and only if they have been trained in druidic spellcraft.

Public Agenda

The Charkis call for preservation of the old traditions and ways of the Sypi Confederacy. They believe that the Confederacy should refrain from further modernization and development of roads and villages. They are avid opponents of the Conino tribe, and believe that the efforts to develop infrastructure need to be stopped, in order to protect the balance of nature within the Confederate territories.

Demography and Population

The population of the Charki Tribe is entirely human. The tribe is proud of its routes and ancestry that escaped from the lands of the giants, and are known to have some mild xenophobia towards other races and creatures. The Charkis are known to forbid halfbreeds and even some of their own people who have left as adventurers and returned with exotic friends or spouses.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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