Partan Tribe Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Partan Tribe

The Partans are a tribe well known for their craftsmanship and skills throughout the Sypi Confederacy. Their love for art and sculpture is well known, and many of the Confederacy's finest artists come out of the Partan families. The tribe resides in the depths of the hills that border the Sypi River, west of the Cotaw Plains. They are popular among the other tribes and the settlements within the Confederacy, as there are few other places in the nation that offer the same level of quality in art and stone work.


The Partans are led by a chief who is the absolute power in any decisions or legal mediation that take place. That said, in recent decades, most of the power has been delegated to an appointed steward, as the chief has been relegated to a mostly ceremonial role in most decisions. Chiefs are typically selected from among the children of the ruling chief, based on whoever is deemed most worthy of the position. The worthiness often depends on what trait or features the tribe requires most from a new chief, such as military skill in wartime, or diplomacy during times of peace.

Public Agenda

The Partans are avid proponents of neutrality and peace, and they are opponents of the Mikka tribe in many factors. They believe in securing the trade routes and roads of the Confederacy from raiding, to enable commerce with other tribes and nations. They are believers in open trade and protection of the arts of the Confederacy, calling for more laws to enable the Partan people to thrive at their crafts and art.

Demography and Population

The population of the tribe consists mostly of Partan humans. In recent years there has been a xenophobic push against the inclusion of nonhumans among the members of the tribe. This push has been mostly fueled by the chiefs who believe that the tribe is threatened in the purity of their artwork by the presence of nonhuman ideas and crafts. They argue that the tribe be kept pure culturally and spiritually.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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