Enna Westerud Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Enna Westerud

(a.k.a. Losstorech, Nûrrîn, Igelwincû)

"That crown of yours distracts from the agog look in your eyes
It's pretty, sure, and glows, but is it not just a disguise?
It tells one nothing of your heart, like arrows, strong and true
Oh Losstorech, I cannot keep myself from loving you"
Enna Westerud (née Liadon) is a Thesséliasell hero known for her membership in the Light Brigade.

Early Life

Enna was born Rinn Liadon to two hermits living in the foothills of Allor Cella. She held her parents in great esteem and love, and through their guidance found various areas of study of interest to her, including language and archery. Apart from a few visitors, she lived in solitude with them until she became an adult at the age of one hundred, whereupon she chose the name Enna for herself and traveled for the first time to Geldereth. Having learned to shoot from her father, and developed a scholarly perspective from her parents' encouragement, she was immediately taken with the concept and practice of arcane archery when she first learned of it. She sought out a teacher, and found what she was looking for in Innelath Revellian. She was a very quick study in the art, and Innelath was a very hands-off teacher, a combination that led her to go off to put her skills to the test in the field after only one year of learning the basics. She traveled with a group of four of Innelath's other students, among them Mindartis Avalithion and Mialee Innaquillath, for two decades, during which they had many adventures, all within the borders of Thessélias. It was during this adventure that Enna played a prominent role in the defense of the smithing village of Asari from a vicious onslaught of bandits and their trained wolves. As a gesture of thanks, the village gifted her with a special bladed longbow, which she named Elathros after the smith who had created it and proudly wielded for the rest of her life.   Upon her return to Geldereth, Enna sought out work at the temple to Miranelle as a guard, hoping to be able to help protect people in a more grounded setting. She stood out among the guard forces for her precision and discipline and quickly became a platoon captain. Though she had the opportunity to advance further, she preferred to spend her time training new recruits, something she was found to be quite adept at doing.

The Eventide

Enna spent almost thirty years as a trainer in Geldereth before the ongoing threats of the Eventide led her to be invited to go to train the dwarves of the temple to Kaeli in Silverkeep in arcane archery, an unprecedented arrangement to which she enthusiastically agreed.   After six months in Silverkeep, Enna, being the most skilled archer immediately accessible, was suddenly asked to travel to the Tors to assist the Light Brigade following the deaths of Caledaya Alvishar and Nemmonnis Inuthra. Though Enna was still not aware of the precise nature of the Brigade's mission, she agreed, and, together with Guthmar Vistrik and Weston Defiva, she met the Brigade, then comprised of Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, Æshir Þorlássón, and Pellen Overvale. She fought with them to defeat Epherion Gelathirniell and claim the Tether of Kaeli. After the party returned to Silverkeep, a Kaelic cleric there approached the Brigade and suggested they consider adding Enna to their ranks, proposing that her unique perspective as a longtime hermit might make her an ideal liaison between elves and other humanoids, as in some areas trust in elves in general had weakened due to the frequency with which drow nightbringers had been disguising themselves on the surface. The party, realizing also that her fighting style was something they could benefit from, agreed, and she began traveling with them afterwards.   King Talesan, after debriefing the party on the events in the Tors, sent them to address the nearly kingdom-wide monster attacks originating in Delamett Forest just outside of Larnwick. Immediately afterwards, the party was sent to investigate strange goings-on in the refugee camp then known as Farriston, in a venture which ostensibly claimed Æshir's life, leading to his place in the party being filled by the cleric First. Enna traveled with the party to Siltgreaves Forest to seek the Morningstar of Linnaveria to trade it for the fork attuned to the material plane owned by Baroness Luella di Arabia of Findrick so that they could return from the Elemental Plane of Water, whereto they planned to travel to recover the Eternal Flame of Kishike. Here the party fought and nearly died to the ancient black dragon Tovirikatch, narrowly escaping with their lives.   It was around this time that Pellen was captured and executed by Mavislak the Blood-eyed. Enna, having been the last person to be with him before he left Hemejdd that day, took his death very hard, citing the fact that, in all her long years of adventuring, no one had ever died on her watch. Shortly afterwards, Enna met Zachár Flame-tongue for the first time when he rejoined the party.   Not long after, the party traveled at last to the water plane and began their journey to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, where they hoped to find information on the coldest place in the plane, which was where they believed the Flame would be found. They had many adventures on the way and in the end made contact with the marid scholar Kashif-Na Varud al Far, or His Notability, who favored Enna, and taught her how to use a mysterious wayfinder he had acquired from inscrutable beings of the Far Realm. Enna attuned to the item at great risk to her own sanity and mental wellbeing, and effectively guided the Brigade through the Frostfell. After traveling through the ice for several days and nearly freezing to death, the party at last retrieved the Flame and returned to the material plane.   Enna immediately brought the crumbled remains of the wayfinder to the elven smith Marina Nylorn to see what she could make of it, and commissioned a circlet. When traveling to Bluehaven to attempt to find Failani Anseld, as they had been tasked to do by Kashif-Na Varud al Far, the party was approached and shortly attacked by Mavislak and many drow and fiends. First and Enna were both cursed by the powers of his staff, though with some research and powerful magic First was able to cure them both.   Shortly afterward, Enna met Vetrano the Illustrious for the first time, though she had already known of him, his connection to Æshir, and his presumed death. Enna traveled with the party to the Gamirian College of Necromancy to retrieve their research which Vetrano said he could use to create a blade capable of assuredly killing Mavislak. Upon the party's bringing back the research, Enna met Strimien the Lightless, to whom she took an instant disliking. The next step for the creation of the weapon was to travel to the Shadowfell and find the Cult of the Runic Dusk and the being they worshiped, so as to slay it and seize its power source to fuel the weapon.   The party, together with Strimien, traveled to the Shadowfell, where Enna's elven nature helped her to steel herself against the plane's gloom and despair. They found the cult and spent some days among their ranks before being allowed to approach the lapendra known as the Crepuscule, which Enna was the one to slay.   During the Battle of Geldereth, which began only a few days after their return to the material plane, Enna was one of Geldereth's most valuable ranged fighters, but also accompanied the Brigade as they withdrew to the Miranellic temple for their final confrontation with Mavislak. She deftly took down his reinforcements from afar, and worked with Strimien and several last-minute reinforcements to dismantle the in-progress ritual that Mavislak had been conducting. She was among those saved from the ensuing shockwave by Miranelle and witnessed her manifesting and at last unveiling the stars after six months of darkness.

Later Years

Following the end of the Eventide, Enna assisted somewhat in cleanup, but withdrew shortly to the wilds and was not seen again for a handful of years, though when her location was determined again, she was invited to many prestigious events and awarded with various honors and accolades. She continued to appear at Festivals of Light in ensuing years, but was mostly hard at work founding an arcane archery academy, citing her love of both teaching and solitude as her reasoning. She took steps to make sure the school would be difficult to find, consulting with forest gnomes on how to use subtle illusions, and with various rangers of Thessélias to surround it with difficult terrain to traverse. During this time she made the acquaintance of the barbarian Aust, who remained a prominent though mysterious figure in her life for centuries. Pilin Thand Academy was officially established in 1008, and Enna once again dedicated herself entirely to training students in the ways of arcane archery, her own expertise now honed to the point of continent-wide fame.   Enna mostly lived in quiet and solitude for many decades, training students as she could handle them and slowly hiring on more instructors, and over time the school's reputation came to precede it. At one point, when Enna was traveling to Jeltir to visit a gnome called Sapply whom she had met during the Eventide, she made the acquaintance of two adventurers, the cleric Fiona of Mesh and the ranger Sohywefmmexyt Roudan. Having not had much meaningful interaction with non-elves apart from Sapply and his family for many years, and struck by memories of her old party, Enna sought to cultivate a friendship with them, and successfully did so for a few years before that friendship ended suddenly and badly. Enna never publicly disclosed the reason behind the rift but openly admitted that it was her fault.   For some time afterwards, Enna became somewhat jaded at the notion of trying to have friendships with members of other races, instead sequestering herself in her school. She was at last convinced by Aust to return to sharing her wisdom more generously. In 1161, she met a bard called Dominy Westerud while at a fencing tournament in the Jeltiri city of Nuari. He promptly followed her back to Pilin Thand, and she married him in 1174. They had two children, Naeris Miles and Illathyra Jade.   Throughout her many years as an instructor, Enna went on scant adventures, but was ready to answer the call the few times King Celwë Nerenia summoned her with a dire need. However, while with Dominy, she returned to more frequent travel, albeit still remaining almost entirely in Thessélias. Together they made enemies of the barbarian tribe Cracked Talon, with whom they clashed on several occasions. Dominy passed away at the age of 79, and Enna, one year afterwards, was caught unawares by the remaining members of Cracked Talon while spending time with her children in the further reaches of Pilin Thand's property, which the tribe had never been able to find before. She gave Illa to Naeris and sent him running back to warn the students, and there she met the intruders in battle, taking down three of them before she took a battle axe to the abdomen and died in seconds. The remaining barbarians charged upon Pilin Thand, but were felled by many arrows before reaching it, the students having been given ample warning by Naeris. Enna's body was recovered afterwards and placed in a raeloris atop Dominy's grave. The service marking its hena fosila was attended by several hundred elves.   Enna has been given several Elvish nicknames. "Losstorech" means "Snowpinner," referring to the extreme precision of her shots even in the snowfall of the Battle of Geldereth. "Nûrrîn" means "Deep-crowned," referring to her magic circlet. "Igelwincû" roughly means "bow of the arcane," referring to her status as the most skilled arcane archer in history.
Date of Birth
18 August 850
Date of Death
10 March 1220
850 EL 1220 EL 370 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a small cottage with her father midwifing
Circumstances of Death
Fell on the axe of a barbarian, defending her children and school
Cottage at the base of Allor Cella
Place of Death
Furthest reaches of Pilin Thand Academy
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ethir Liadon (mother)
Adran Liadon (father)
Dominy Westerud (husband)
PC Information
Level 20 fighter
—Arcane archer
Boon of Peerless Aim
1018 painting of Enna by Anno Elequius based on his memories of her upon first arrival in Geldereth
Enna and Dominy

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