Temple to Miranelle in Geldereth Building / Landmark in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Temple to Miranelle in Geldereth

The Gelderell temple to Miranelle is the largest in the world and home to the Three Skyfires of Miranelle, the foremost clerics in the order. It is located at the peak of Allor Cella, the second-tallest mountain in the kingdom of Thessélias, and is the highest inhabited building in the kingdom, and one of the highest in the continent.

Purpose / Function

This temple is home to approximately 300 clerics of Miranelle, and also acts as a place of study and prayer. The clerics' daily schedules include frequent prayer, works of charity, and keeping close watch and records of the night sky. Extensive archives of all previous records are kept for the purpose of compiling trends and attempting to draw understanding about the natural world and potentially even its future from the way the stars appear.


The temple itself covers about 4 acres, with its grounds totaling 7 acres. It is made almost entirely of stone, a combination of granite and marble, with the roof of its cupola plated in bronze. The adjacent gardens contain various statues and busts of notable clerics in the order as well as a shrine to Evendur.   The dome on the top of the temple is in reality an observatory, which is open to the public during the day a few days a week.


The temple stands where a temple of similar intent stood in the Era of Cloud. It was destroyed during the Great Shadow and when light returned, the followers of Miranelle felt a tribute was due, and began planning a much larger, grander temple. Construction officially began in EL 2 and was completed in 147.
Cathedral / Great temple

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