The Crepuscule Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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The Crepuscule

The Crepuscule was the name given by the Cult of the Runic Dusk to the lapendra they worshiped. It was a fusion of a light lapendra and its dark counterpart, driven to madness and despair after the death of its brother at the hands of Vetrano the Illustrious. It retreated to the Shadowfell, and in time created a demiplane around itself. As its sense of self collapsed, it was corrupted by its shadow.   It appeared as a serpentine creature with many legs and tendrils spilling out of its back like wings, constantly flashing with shadow and light from within.   It was slain by the Light Brigade in EL 1000 and its power source removed to be used in the creation of the Twilight Blade.

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