Linnaveria Illius Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Linnaveria Illius

Linnaveria Illius was an adventuring ranger active in the late EL 600s primarily in the Jeltiri regions of Ivmendir and Tsuzatch. She was born in a small town at the edge of Dindry Forest, which was destroyed by mysterious undead in a tomb uncovered nearby; only a few households survived, and Linna vowed never to let it happen again. She immediately launched into her adventuring career, while her family relocated to the emerging large town of Resston to the north, where she frequently visited. She became almost obsessed with keeping the balance between civilization and nature. She had a few adventuring companions with whom she traveled for a couple years, but they were all killed, and after this she firmly and consistently professed that she must always work alone. She became very famous in northern Jeltir, and frequently worked for or under Duke Enver Lancaster of Findrick. Though she was not under oath, her philosophy eventually became something that has been compared to that of an oath of the ancients paladin, and it is believed she was favored by the gods, though she tended to keep her religious habits private. Her morningstar, a beautiful weapon gifted to her by the duke, is believed to have become imbued with heavenly power as it was used time and time again to strike down foul undead.   In EL 692, Linnaveria traveled to the wetlands in the north of Siltgreaves Jungle to hunt down a tribe of lizardfolk that had recently been pillaging nearby villages. She never returned from this venture, and in the wake of her loss, Resston was renamed Linna's Rest in her honor. It was not until late 1000 that the Light Brigade discovered that she had fallen to the hidden mistress of these lizardfolk, the ancient black dragon Tovirikatch.
Date of Birth
15 January 649
649 EL 692 EL 43 years old

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