The Eventide Military Conflict in Ekaia | World Anvil
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The Eventide

The Eventide is the name generally given to the conflict between the forces of the ghost drow Mavislak the Blood-Eyed and the surface forces of Talazic. It began in late EL 999 with the fall of Jeldine and many other villages and was characterized by increased monster attacks and drow patrols making travel very unsafe, and the specific targeting of temples and priests to Kaeli, Kishike, and Miranelle. It culminated on December 22nd of 1000 with the Battle of Geldereth, which was won by the surface when Mavislak was slain by the Light Brigade.   The Eventide's impact on the various kingdoms of Talazic was profound and complex. The scandal of the work of the Maintainers of Accord as well as the vulnerability of the three Meydra central to the conflict opened the door for many discussions regarding the role of divinity on the material plane. Mistrust in elves in general continued, and to many the crux of the assault was the general superciliousness of the elven race. To many others, it was the manipulation of fiends, and many initiatives sought to prevent such alliances in the future. To yet others, it was the harsh environment of the Underdark which drove humanoids to desperation and evil. Falling into this last camp was Lord Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, who founded the Upperlight to give drow and other dwellers of the Underdark a chance at a new life. Perhaps the most dramatic element of the Eventide's aftermath was the complete collapse of the kingdom of Gaulvista, which had been invaded by nightbringers in the final months of the Eventide. An overwhelming majority of high elves departed from Talazic for Quellevore in the decades following the disaster, leaving the land that had once been Gaulvista populated mostly by humans and some dwarves and halflings.   The revelation of the Secrets of the Stars led to a resurgence in interest in the Meydra of light, and increased membership in the clerical orders of Kaeli, Kishike, and Miranelle. It created a conversation about trust in temple authorities and the importance of the personal search for the Truth.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign

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