Elemental Plane of Water Geographic Location in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Elemental Plane of Water

The elemental plane of water, or simple the water plane, is the great ocean of the elemental planes, sitting on top of the Swamp of Oblivion, with the Frostfell floating on its surface. It is populated by a great many humanoid races, such as water genasi, merfolk, tritons, and locathah, and far more beasts and elementals. Though most communities in the plane are hunter-gatherers, various immense chunks of earth, colloquially simply called "fragments," float around the plane and serve as the foundations of many somewhat fixed communities. The center of power in the plane is the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls.   The water plane is known as perhaps the safest of the four elemental planes, and is the best-known on the Prime Material Plane as of the the Light Brigade's journey there, and especially Zachár Flame-tongue's residence there.
Dimensional plane

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