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Kalotics1 are the main tribe of the Útel country of Kanot in Ela'k Forest. Most of their population is concentrated in Kalot, the country's capital, and the area north of Þán River in general.


Major language groups and dialects

The Kalotic dialects are similar to those of the Malóns in northern Malónat, though the accent is different, especially along the coast. Notably, there's a tendency for replacing D /t/, B /p/ and G /k/ with T /th/, P /ph/ and K /kh/, respectively.

Culture and cultural heritage

Pork is very popular among Kalotics, and is often served with honey and raisins or sliced fruits of Gaþól Trees.

1Original icelandic: Kalótar, singular: Kalóti
by Lappalingur
Parent ethnicities
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Languages spoken


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